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  1. L

    First Chameleon, help

    It sounds like you have the right lights. Be sure the calcium is without D3. Did you get a dripper for water? Did they tell you to spray the leaves? Real plants are better they hold moisture on the leaves for longer. There is a care sheet for veileds on this site that is good to follow. The size...
  2. L

    6 Meru & 17 Jacksonii Jacksonii Babies -- PICTURES!!!!

    How fun! I love the pictures of the little ones crawling on the screen upside down. Sounds like you did your research, so I will bet they will do well. Good job!
  3. L

    1st time free ranging...

    We have a 16 ft by 16 ft greenhouse that is 10 ft tall. We have been taking the panthers out there for a free range for the last few months( one at a time). They seem to really like roaming around but it seems like they find a favorite basking spot & end up there. If there is no basking spot...
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    Gravid Jacksonii

    Our first Jackson female came to us gravid, and we were hoping that was the case because she started to look so heavy and became inactive. We had her for about 3 months. One morning we saw what we thought was a cricket under the basking light. It was a neonate, it had crawled on the screen to...
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    Gravid Jacksonii

    If she is like our common Jackson's she will begin to bask most of the day & be less active than normal for about a week. I won't claim to be an expert, but she certainly looks close to delivery. At any rate enjoy your young ones, they are so fun to watch grow.
  6. L

    Exo-terra and jacksonii

    Chris, Please do not misunderstand. I did not say that my soil had become waterlogged, I suggested that it was a possibility in a long term situation. I did not say it was not possible to house Jackson's in glass enclosures. What I said was that glass did not work well for me. Our Jackson's will...
  7. L

    Exo-terra and jacksonii

    We put our first Jackson babies into a glass vivarium. We moved them into screen cages pretty quickly. Jacksons need to be showered, which means the bottom of the glass enclosure collects water. Plants do not generally thrive without drainage, and waterlogged soil will kill them pretty quickly...
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    New Addition

    Congratulation! I hope you enjoy your new Panther as much as we enjoy ours.
  9. L

    Humidity issues

    Heat lamps will lower humidity. It is sort of like how the humidity rises at night, it takes more moisture for the air to become humid when the air is warmer. However, I have had hygrometers that never give accurate readings. If you are sure that your humidity is that low you might want to...
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    Sad story, too bad pet stores don't have to know anything about what they order and sell. Do they appear to be reasonable people? They might listen to you, but I can't imagine Jacksons Living for long in that situation.
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    Not to change the subject, but where do you live in Colorado. I am in Colorado Springs and my wife & I have Jacksons.
  12. L

    How can I disinfect a cage to get rid of fungus???

    If the chameleon does not have to be put back into the cage immediately after it is washed with bleach, I would take that option. Bleach is pretty harmless if you wipe down with fresh water after using it. But I would be sure that it is dry. Bleach is required to clean toys in many daycare...
  13. L

    Help !! Stuck shed? New shed ? Won't eat

    Keep an eye, but I wouldn't be that worried, sometimes they do that,. Our female veiled is usually the hungriest acting chameleon in the house, but she will skip a day now & then.
  14. L

    Help !! Stuck shed? New shed ? Won't eat

    I don't want to present myself as an expert, but how long has she been not eating? We have had chameleons skip eating for a day and then making up for it the next morning. Even though it seems that female veileds are among the hungriest creatures on earth at times. I really have had better...
  15. L

    Persici-The Dragon Rider

    I have to admit that I don't know a thing about bearded dragons, but the picture is cute. Sounds like they can be aggressive from seeing the comments here.
  16. L

    2 month Panther closing eyes

    There seems to be some disagreement about the shower, but there is no doubt that chameleons are better off with regular misting with warm water. One of our panthers has never been seen licking water from the leaves until he has been sprayed for several minutes. I would try to raise the humidity...
  17. L


    For what it is worth I spent a good part of my life teaching master gardeners about things such as soil. I use 100% pure peat for the plants in my chameleon enclosures. Peat is used in plant propagation because it can be kept constantly moist without fear of fungi growing in it. I have used it...
  18. L

    Reasons why real chams need real plants!

    Mounting orchids is a simple task. If you have a piece of cork bark it is best, but I have used leftover lumber scraps and they work. Put a handful of sphagnum moss in a bowl of water, when it is wet lay part of it on the bark, place the rest over the root system. Wrap the roots and sphagnum...
  19. L

    My New Gracilior Baby!!! Too Excited!!!

    I am jealous, I am committed to buy a gracilior from Jan, but I am still getting my montane chameleon room finished. Should be done about the first week of Feb. Seeing yours makes me even more excited.
  20. L

    No more feeders...

    You are right, thanks. I think the Snailtail is the best advertising that Josh's could have gotten. We found some at the pet store this morning, but I really like to make sure these little critters have an abundance of food for the first few weeks.
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