I used to enjoy the outside. No, I loved the outside. no wait, the outside was my realm. I was master of the outside. No, not master, too much hubris. I was, ONE with the outside. We were brothers of the same mother, myself and the outside. And the essence I exhaled was what the very thing the...
Can they hear? or is it feel. How does a chameleon, how does a human experience what we refer to as "sound"? A wave? A Vibration? These are common conceptions we use to understand the phenomena of sound. But at it's heart, "sound" lies within a spectrum of phenomenon which includes light...
first answer the op got was no answer. That's why they complained. And that's why I replied. A playful distraction tinted with ambiguously suggested treatments that may actually be effective is better than nothing. Where were all the experts when OP needed them !? I love all my forum friend...
You are not the first person to object to my posting style. But you are incorrect in several of your insinuations. Number one is suggesting that using a lighter tone, which you refer to as sarcasm, is somehow insulting. I believe the true insult to the newbie, as they posted themselves, was no...
Children are basically just big mammalian chameleons, but still babies are a lot more hardy. I dropped all of mine several times. Didn't even hurt them at all really. They do scream louder than chameleons. Beside that they practically take care of themselves.
You can ease her pain and stimulate her desire to eat by exhaling a small puff of medical marijuana cloud around her head. Do this twice a day, then feed her only white butterfly's until she starts to improve. You may want to inhale the smoke yourself because sick chameleons can be really...
As master Yoda once said , "quick and easy is the dark side". Seductive it is. The dark side, for both humans and chameleons, the source has its root in FEAR. Your chameleon is communicating this. And we all know. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, and hatred of course leads to...
You are just being dramatic. I love drama. Drama is the juice that oils up life and makes it flow along,instead of congealing into a boring, monotonous paste. Slow your roll. Think smaller. Do just 1 container. Think 1000. Just go with that. In 4 weeks do that again. You will still need other...
Have you ever felt like your whole life you just lived in a cage. Like you were completely out of control of your own destiny. Like you were some "animal" programmed to eat, and work, and screw, and blah blah blah blah blah. Every day the same old routine. I mean jeeze take me on a walk or...
You know what I think about the status quo, standard "accepted" advice from "normal" "experts" and stuff, well I may be none of those things. But let me just say. Dude, you are really feeding frequently, and varied as well. Mission accomplished. Don't consider life as one constant,upward...
I don't know. I just feel uneasy as I read your post. I can't quite place the exact cause. It's just a mild feeling of malaise. Any way. It is know in some cultures, that in remote villages parents would tell their children that the chameleons would come down out of the woods at night and suck...
Have you seen "The Karate Kid" ? Well do you remember the scene where Mr. Miagi is catching flies with chopsticks? I love that! Any way my point is fish need to swim, tigers need to hunt, birds need to fly. Let go and just let the universe unfold. Remove all barriers. Take away the cup. Your...
I totally want a rubber chameleon now too though. I want like a typical "rubber chicken" you know the clichéd comedy prop thingy, only a chameleon. If that isn't a thing it should be. I love chameleon merchandise of any kind though.
My chameleon was looking over my shoulder as I was typing pithy responses to some friends I had online, on some forums I frequent, not chameleon forums, other stuff. any way she thought some of the stuff was pretty hilarious, but there was this thing about a chameleon wearing a tiny sombrero...
This exact thing happened to me once, being quite gullible myself. Only it was in the South Bronx with a Puerto Rican and there was no chameleon. It was a Gekko. I will never go to PetMart again.
When I was young, and when no one would like me, I had always heard that you could "eat some worms" and that would maybe help. I never really understood that. you would say " every body hates me, nobody likes me,so I'm going to eat some worms!" Made no sense until just now. maybe you should try...
Dear god you are right, man! your chameleon has some kind of blue fuzzy growth for a body! Jeezus man what did you do! Quick I know just what to do. you are going to need a tiny sombrero, tiny sunglasses, and a burning cigarette. PM me and I will give details!
RBFS, or resting bitchface syndrome is real. Some lizards and people have it. Sometimes it makes you look cool like Dirty Harry or Vin Diesel. Like you are bad. Other times it makes people all like "what's wrong with you." All the time, or "are you depressed" or "I'm leaving, my lawyer will call...
Make sure and look him/her directly in the eyes,and lead off with a firm handshake. Never agree to the first offer price. Always haggle. You would be surprised. They expect you to,and if you don't they will think you are weak and will rip you off. Don't even get me started about cricket dealers!