Don't get your hopes up with the Red Runners. My guy dislikes Dubias, so I gave them away and raised Orangeheads. He has not touched an Orangehead. Now I have a nice colony of Orangeheads that I am feeding organic veggies and fruits :confused:. Maybe I can eat them :unsure:
The tray can be bought at any big home improvement store, it is a washing machine tray. The funnel with plastic hose can be found at any auto parts store. A series of 1/2 inch holes are drilled through the center of the tray within the diameter of the funnel and covered with screen. The screen...
My guy does not eat Dubia, he used to. I gave away my dubias to a pet shop and started an Orange Head colony. My guy will not touch an Orange Head. I have tried starving him with only offering the Orange Heads to no avail. I do not know what to do. He will eat Silkworms, Hornworms and bsfl, and...
Beautiful guy you have there! If you do the cabinet conversion look into drainage, as it will be your biggest obstacle. Waterseal everything inside with poly so it does not rot. Use an auto misting system like Mistking, and a good lighting system such as Arcadia...