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  1. Mendez

    Furcifer pardalis…really at least 11 species now….

    Is there any evidence that supports splitting pardalis into 11 different species?
  2. Mendez

    Cuttlefish are a bit like chameleons…

    I really wanted to import some flamboyant cuttlefish from Europe once. They look amazing and are tiny! Many species are very territorial like chameleons and do best in individual tanks. They can stress easy and like added visual barriers to feel safe. Flamboyant cuttlefish also only live about...
  3. Mendez

    Baby Furcifer willsii

    100% I have room :cool:
  4. Mendez

    Baby Furcifer willsii

    I'm excited for these willsii babies. Congrats man! Awesome accomplishment
  5. Mendez

    Will not eat if it is not in my hand…

    I think the trick is to use a feeder in the feeder cup that moves around a lot, like crickets, to help capture their attention and prey drive. Once they start to realize that the cup holds food, they'll go for relatively stationary bugs out of habit (like dubia roaches). My jackson's chameleon...
  6. Mendez

    All settled in! The 15 hour drive was looooong, but everyone made it to my new place safe and...

    All settled in! The 15 hour drive was looooong, but everyone made it to my new place safe and sound. There was one mountain pass that was forecasted to get snow, but thankfully the roads stayed clear the entire drive. I couldn't have asked for better weather considering it's already winter.
  7. Mendez

    I'm moving to Washington state tomorrow and it's likely going to be a 13 hour drive...with...

    I'm moving to Washington state tomorrow and it's likely going to be a 13 hour drive...with chameleons...wish me luck! I'll package them up into a cooler (that's well-insulated) to keep them warm enough. They'll be up in the cabin of the U-Haul with me.
  8. Mendez

    What the hell did I got on my roaches

    I originally thought fruit fly as well, but then they looked a little big. But based on your finger, I change my mind. They could be hydei fruit fly larvae. It's hard to tell size based on a photo/video. But it definitely could be fruit fly larvae. Though it might just be beneficial to remove...
  9. Mendez

    What the hell did I got on my roaches

    I agree with @crosscutts. Looks like a larvae of a fly. You could probably ask the insect breeder if they are breeding any type of fly like blue bottle or green bottle flies. I would definitely let the breeder know, I'm sure they can help identify what the larvae belong to.
  10. Mendez

    Stumpffi Sex ID?

    They are both female. The hemipenal bulge would be much more apparent if it were male, leading to an overall thicker tail. Both of these animals have a thin tail after the cloaca. There is more uniformity in a male's tail. Their won't be a dip in the tail after the cloaca, but rather a bulge...
  11. Mendez

    What's the story behind your username?

    The story behind my username is quite complicated and long. But long story short, a man with the last name "Mendez" met a woman. They had a child and passed that family name down to him. That kid grew up liking chameleons and created a chameleon forums account. And since this kid lacks wit or...
  12. Mendez

    Don’t forget to go to Chamaeleon Academy today !! YouTube

    Thanks @DeremensisBlue for hosting such an amazing event! It's amazing how many people tuned in to watch and participate. Really makes the community come together.
  13. Mendez

    Don’t forget to go to Chamaeleon Academy today !! YouTube

    I can't believe I won two raffles (roaches and a chameleon ornament)! Hopefully my good luck hasn't run out, :) I'll need it for my big move next week Congrats @elizaann2 on winning Yvette's Christmas tree hat!!
  14. Mendez

    Pet Smart weird policies

    Agreed, I hate how they display their animals. The leopard gecko caves are always facing the glass, which forces them to sleep out in broad daylight. And occasionally I'll spot a dead fish on the floor that somehow escaped a tank. I will say that some Petsmarts are better than Petco and vice...
  15. Mendez

    Pet Smart weird policies

    I agree with you, the cost of the animal is irrelevant. A $7 anole and a $1,000 anole are the same. An animal's quality of life doesn't change based on how they are perceived by humans. Personally, I'm glad that some pet stores have a policy where a picture of a controlled environment...
  16. Mendez

    Season Finale 6 hour LIVE event!

    I'll be watching! I'm really looking forward to this event!!
  17. Mendez

    i went to the gym

    Jeez man! That's seriously impressive. I weigh about 170 lbs and come nowhere close to those numbers. You've become a beast!
  18. Mendez

    Bioactive in a hybrid dragon strand.

    For the other lazy people out there (like me), here's an easier option. What's the point in adding a root pouch? It's a permeable container. Might as well just toss in substrate and have the cage itself become that permeable container for you. I use leap habitats, but before you say "Yeah, but...
  19. Mendez

    Brookesia on display!

    Do you have any pics of the side? Viewing a side profile of the animal makes it a lot easier to see if there is a hemipenal bulge present or not.
  20. Mendez

    Huston we have a problem

    I would definitely trim it back in a few places. Make sure that enough water from the mister is getting distributed around the cage. Sometimes, a few leaves really close to the misting nozzle will block the majority of water getting sprayed into the enclosure which hinders drinking...
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