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  1. A

    Are Coconut Shavings Okay?

    I just put out a laying bin with sand that isn’t play sand mixed with a bit of coconut shavings. The mixture is in a five gallon bucket that I filled about a quarter of the way up. I opened her cage and put a stick in the bucket to help her get in and out. Does this setup look alright?
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    Are Coconut Shavings Okay?

    How long should I not let her see me for? Do I cover her and leave her be for a couple of days?
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    Are Coconut Shavings Okay?

    I'm new to the chameleon world and would really LOVE some advice! I got my chameleon, Yoshi, as a birthday present from my parents in February. My mom said that the people at the pet store said Yoshi was about 8 weeks old. Up until recently, I thought Yoshi was a male but now he's started...
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