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  1. I_amnoking

    Chameleon not eating and always pissy? Could it be the gecko?

    Hi Had a question I need some help with so basically i setup a laying bin for my female chameleon idk if she's pregnant or not many said she is so I layed a bucket in there as you will see in the pics and she has just been like dark all the time and wont really eat the crickrts I put in here...
  2. I_amnoking

    Can I get some help

    Thanks for all the feed back is this a good laying bin or too small?
  3. I_amnoking

    Can I get some help

    Forgot to add shes a vieled
  4. I_amnoking

    Can I get some help

    so basically shes a girl and someone told me she is pregnant but i never believed them so i looked past it i think ive had it probably for like 5-6 months and shes just been acting like this for a week, awlwayd falling off stuff and turns light green when she sleeps wakes up with yellow spots...
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