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  1. VerucaSalt

    Petsmart problems

    You're absolutely right. This forced me to research so many variables, it has allowed a fine tuning of the Jackson husbandry as well....that is a good way to turn it into a more positive expierence. He will be at min have a better environment whatever the outcome maybe. Im also happy to...
  2. VerucaSalt

    Petsmart problems

    We bought our Jackson at the local Petco unfortunately. He was replaced by a MTN horned lizard. The geeko, dragons and others are all sickly appearing and being cared for incorrectly, some more extremely and some less. It's sad to see.
  3. VerucaSalt

    Petsmart problems

    We bought our Jackson at Petco. Total misinformation the entire expierence. He also had the dripper going straight down into a bowl. No ventilation, barely readable humidity, red light all night, and barely a twig to stand on in the enclosure. The employee mentioned he could be housed with...
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