No clocking noises. Nothing in his mouth looks out of the ordinary.
And yeah I just realized the thermometer is zoo med. I’ll get that gun. And the humidity is measured with the temp as well near the bottom and it’s a... darn! It’s a zoo med too. I’ll switch them out asap.
I just misted him for a while and took him out to collect his feces to see it again. And usually he goes to the bathroom same time frame every morning like clock work. It’s too early for him to go but for some reason he urated on me it was all slime and a little yellow glob in the middle and...
And I’m hoping he was captive bred but I heard with petstores you never know. And the uvb is on the right and the basking is on the left. I’m also cleaning out his cage and scrubbing it down too and then setting it up all over again the correct way. Hopefully it’ll help. I just really want him...
Damn... now I’m really worried. And no I don’t think you’re being hard on me. You’re telling me what I need to do to keep him healthy and I appreciate it greatly. I just thought after what I read on many different forums that the mouth opening was normal and his husbandry was fine. But now he’s...
Here, I know this forum is old but if you read brought it many people with a good temperature still had their Jackson’s opening their mouths for no reason even thought they were healthy. And many other forums said the same thing so I know the mouth opening isn’t an issue either...
so yeah he looks healthy. It’s just his poop and his drinking water that have been a problem and I don’t know how to fix it. Hopefully when I call the vet tomorrow I’ll be able to come in ASAP. I also looked at giving him a shower for the hydration but I can’t cause the shower water is the same...
He’s a good full body picture of him so you can see what he fully looks like. The reason his mouth is open this time is definitely cause he got mad at me cause I kept picking him up for a good picture when he wants to just roam around on my bed lol
He even falls asleep with it open sometimes. It’s pretty funny. But again I’ve already checked with plenty of jackson owners and lots of them just like chillin with their mouth open for no reason.
The bulb is 4 months old, and mucus? He has clear saliva? But no mucus. Yeah I’ll take a picture of the enclosure. I posted one before and I was told it was fine all I had to do was replace the towel around it with a shower curtain which I did a while ago but took down after I put a pothos plant...
I also dusk every couple days so that’s not the problem. I read about parasites and I’m worried he’s got that. It says salmonella makes their poop slime and poorly digested. And also dehydrated and that’s like all his symptoms:/ idk. I hate that it’s Sunday so I can’t call until tomorrow to make...
Vet is closed today but tomorrow I’m making an appointment for as soon as possible, I just hope it’s a good vet. I’ve never been to a vet before for any animal really. My old dog and cat only went once for their first visit and stuff and it was my mom who took them. This will be my first time...
Also I read this normal with Jackson’s but it’s still odd that he’s always got his mouth open...? I just hope that’s his Jackson thing and not him being sick. I was worried he was getting mouth rot cause his teeth are yellow but his gums are pink.
And he had a weird pigment thing I posted about...
Chameleon: Jackson’s about a year.
Handling:I handle him pretty often. Every day. He loves to come out and chill on me for long periods of time. But I make sure he’s got his alone time too.
Feeding: 5-7 crickets a day and every few days meal worms
Supplements: repti calcium without d3...
And if so why? :/ they’re always smiling and cuddling like they love each other very much! Lol little humanizing joke. I know they’re not really smiling. But why do they cuddle if they don’t get along?
Thank you all very much :) as soon as I get one I’ll let you know how it goes and if I have anymore questions I’ll let you know :) oh actually speaking of which, so from your answers it’s clearly frowned upon to put them together in one tank yet at the petstore you see multiple in one tank all...