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  1. McBoredFace

    New and Seeking Some Help

    Hi my name is Brooke and my new best friend’s name is Durnehviir. Named after an awesome dragon from my favorite video game. I’m going to fill out the health info you have here and ask questions from there. Your Chameleon - Jackson’s Chameleon, Male, and I’m not quite sure about the age. I’ve...
  2. McBoredFace

    Petition to stop Petco from killing Chameleons!

    Hi I’m a new chameleon owner and new to this site (obviously lol) and I 75% agree with you. I’ve been wanting a chameleon since a i was a kid and had no idea how much work it really was until a week before I got one. So it kind of was an impulse but I also have the money now to pay for his care...
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