Same as us then! We're on a 5-days-a-week strictly fruit and veggie diet, so ours get what we eat :) It's really nice to have things work so easily! I sometimes buy some special things for the crickets and we just eat the rest... I was just wondering if it was too much because it looked like so...
I think shipping them to Germany would be more hassle than it's worth ;) I just have to get off my butt and find some suppliers really. My chams still have time though, 'mo is about 4 months old, and Yuki is around 3-4 months, hard to tell with her. Would probably need fairly young ones. The...
I went shopping on the weekend and found a cola bottle. It's not like the ones I am familiar with from Canada, which are the same material as the ones I saw while visiting the UK... The material is harder, and it's probably going to be a pain to cut. it's also not green... every bottle is clear...
Nice bins! Although one question, isn't that a bit too much fruit and veggies? Seems like a lot, since you should be replacing it daily or so! :p I don't think they can eat THAT much in a day, unless you have a complete swarm of millions ;) (But with the egg cartons, it's really hard to tell how...
I can't wait until I can find roaches small enough for Marimo, then I won't have to deal with large amounts of crickets anymore. I will always keep a small amount for variety, but I don't think I want to breed them. Nasty things. They keep ripping off their own legs when I try to place them...
I used to think that my crickets were heavy cannibals... (They are, but not as heavy as I originally thought...), I of course, know better now. They do shed! I accidentally killed one by pulling off the skin.. oops. I as about to feed it to Marimo, and well, there was the skin hanging off one of...
Snakes differ from chameleons in the fact that snakes shed their whole skin in one long piece. Chameleons, as they age, lose it in patches :)
I am not giving a definitive answer, but my anoles I used to have would have skin hanging off their tail for a while. Eventually, when it was time, it...
Whoever told you he needs the red light on at night was being silly. Chameleons need total darkness to get as good of rest as possible. If he's in a place where it's still bright when lights go off, I would recommend a towel or blanket over his cage so he can get his beauty sleep! (Just be sure...
You'll need to make sure that light is off at night. Chameleons can take it colder than we think. Chameleons also need a temperature drop at night. How cold is your house in the evenings?
Can he access the fogger water? I've no idea how people set them up, but make sure he can't drown! (If...
Since you added some pictures:
He might need a bigger cage soonish.. he looks like he's getting a bit big for it! And always remember, taller is always better.
I've always been told substrate was bad, as it can be ingested, but I am not going to say "NO DON'T USE IT!!" or anything... I am...
Do you leave the red light on all night?
Live plants help a lot with humidity issues. They smell good, look good, and chams love them! There's a lot of links to cham-safe plants, if you're interested!
I was always iffy with my fogger as I had to have standing water to use it. The water...