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  1. Clayton0520

    My babies are starting to color up!

    Very good looking guy!!! How many babies do you have?
  2. Clayton0520


    That’s awesome!! Now if we can do it again lol
  3. Clayton0520


    I hope it works for you!
  4. Clayton0520


    Thanks @AmandaS , my setup that finally got some to hatch was 2 1/2 cups of vermiculite and 3/4 cups of water ( I got that from josh’s frogs YouTube video). I left the container of vermiculite in my cricket cage for 9 days and while it was in there I would randomly mist it with water ( about 4...
  5. Clayton0520


    Lmao I know right! And yes @janjan20 these are banded crickets
  6. Clayton0520


    Yeah I’m not sure how long I had them incubating but I almost gave up on them last weekend. I was gonna throw them away and something said no give them a little more time! So glad I did!
  7. Clayton0520

    Preparing for new panthers

    Every thing seems perfect honestly. Maybe just make sure your little girl has a way to get to a laying bin or pot that’s about the only thing I would make sure about. What local are you getting from the Kammers? My little guy is from them and he has turned out amazing.
  8. Clayton0520

    Hanging Out with dad

    Great looking guy!! Where did you get him?
  9. Clayton0520


    So I finally was successful in hatching some baby crickets, it has taken several months and several attempts but it finally paid off today. I’m sooooooo excited!!! This is one small step for chameleon keepers and one giant leap for Clayton! Lol hopefully this a little closer to not having to buy...
  10. Clayton0520

    I’ll take what I can get...

    That’s awesome! It took my little guy several months before he would come out and play. Also count me in for the BBQ!
  11. Clayton0520


    Woot woot!
  12. Clayton0520

    New Male Panther

    That’s crazy how fast he’s getting his colors! He looks amazing also his brother looks great too!
  13. Clayton0520

    Hank Just Shy of Six Months Old 8/11/19

    Great looking little guy!
  14. Clayton0520

    Silkworm Perdicament....

  15. Clayton0520

    She laid her eggs!!!

    That’s crazy!! Iv never heard of that many eggs. Was she breed?
  16. Clayton0520

    Nosy faly

    Great looking guy!
  17. Clayton0520

    Madagascar hissers

    That’s pretty sweet! They look huge, how big do they get?
  18. Clayton0520

    New pet.

    Very cool! I’d love to have one but my wife says no more pets lol
  19. Clayton0520

    Misting & General Advice/Thoughts

    I feel you I have learned so much from this forum, it’s a great place. You’ll be fine it seems like you are asking all the right question for your little guy .
  20. Clayton0520

    Misting & General Advice/Thoughts

    Yes a regular incandescent bulb will work just fine, I use a Phillips brand from Home Depot. As far as the age goes he looks like a year maybe. I’m no Veiled expert though I’m a Panther guy. @beeman would know more about his age she a bad @ss when it comes to Veileds lol. They make a “plant...
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