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  1. Clayton0520

    The Wait Is Over

    Oh wow!!!!! Cute little guys that’s soo awesome. Congrats!!
  2. Clayton0520

    Nosy Valiha recent pictures

    Good looking guys
  3. Clayton0520

    He's coming out of the winter blues.

    Very good looking little guy!
  4. Clayton0520

    Lily the Panther: a "Rescue" Progress Thread!

    Love the setup! Her enclosure is awesome!!! She’s a cutie as well.
  5. Clayton0520

    Ovipost - Live Crickets and Superworms

    Great deal on crickets! I ordered 1000 and they arrived super fast with very few dead from the travel. I will definitely be using them from now on.
  6. Clayton0520

    Let's try this again... But with a little VANILLA

    Good looking little guy! Congrats,
  7. Clayton0520

    Growing up and first time hand feeding!!!!

    Good to know I will try that for sure.
  8. Clayton0520


    No clue but that’s an awesome pic!!!
  9. Clayton0520

    Growing up and first time hand feeding!!!!

    That’s awesome!!! My little guy has eaten 2 crickets from my fingers and I LOVED it. He’s still really young but he doesn’t show any desire for me to hold him at all. I hope one day he will calm down and trust me.
  10. Clayton0520


    I bought mine from Mistking/Jungle Hobbies and LOVE IT! It’s super easy to use and reliable. I have mine tied to a 5 gallon bucket that I got from Home Depot. It runs 2 nozzles.
  11. Clayton0520

    Crickets go EVERYWHERE

    Thanks everyone who replied! Very good info!! I think I’m just gonna do like I have been doing. Dump them in his cup and let him hunt!!
  12. Clayton0520

    New colors!!!!

    Oh I know you do! I got my little guy Tuesday of last week and he’s stole my heart very quickly! I haven’t had time yet but I’m gonna post some pics of my little Nelson tomorrow.
  13. Clayton0520

    Crickets go EVERYWHERE

    Good to know, I’m definitely gonna try that tomorrow
  14. Clayton0520

    New colors!!!!

    Looking AWESOME Becca!!! He just keeps getting more amazing colors!! Very handsome little guy and growing like a weed.
  15. Clayton0520

    Crickets go EVERYWHERE

    So I built a feeder cup that I found online ( a 3” pvc pipe cut in half with a cap on one end ) but my little guy doesn’t seem to find it. He does seem to find his crickets roaming around his cage. I can’t keep them in the feeder cup, most of them crawl out and roam around his cage until he...
  16. Clayton0520

    Finally, my first chameleon!!

    Congrats on your new little guy!! He’s so handsome and friendly looking. Keep us updated on his growth!
  17. Clayton0520

    Ripley’s New Digs

    Very sweet set up!! Some day I’d love to try a bioactive set up. Good job on the whole set up it’s very impressive.
  18. Clayton0520

    New baby comes tomorrow

    Yay that’s awesome, post some pics when you get your little guy.
  19. Clayton0520

    How do you water your crickets?

    I’m all for “keep it simple”!
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