Dinothechameleon, you seem to be a very bright young person. I ask you to take some time and view whom you consider and call “friend”, a “friend” whom you says shares love for Chameleons then sends you photos of them being fattened for consumption, states his whole family eats them and they...
Hey hey now, we all know Sunny is the cutest and everyone should vote for him. NM that super adorable sleeping baby pic........sooo last year :mad:. I might have to throw in free roaches for every vote Sunny gets and take this parenting competition to the next level!
🤪 Just playing with you...
In the wild when some chameleons get startled at night they will drop out of the tree to escape, my worry would be the roaches crawling on them would trigger this response and possibly hurting themself when they fall. I have not herd of this happening to captive chameleons, but that thought is...
Have you tried injecting the meds into a roach. I know it sucks doing it, but take sharp syringe and inject through its "back end hole" and fill it up.
Haha, then you probably already have some loose, but it's no bid deal as they do not breed without high nightly temps. Not trying to scare you but here are some of my stories.
One day my Mom slept over and found one crawing over her in bed, the scream she let out was worth it....hehe. Another...