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  1. eat2muchrice

    Can anyone help with sexing my Panther Chameleon

    Female, no bugle and see a indent after base of tail. I know this is an old post but just wanted to follow up.
  2. eat2muchrice

    Still not 100% on sex

    At around 10 months he/she should be showing clear indications of being male/female. My guess would say female especially at that age, but It hard to get a concept of her/his size and tail with the pictures posted above. Can you try to post up clear pics and we can better confirm.
  3. eat2muchrice

    Male or female?

    Yep, Male
  4. eat2muchrice

    Hi I’m just wondering if this is a male or female panther Chameleon

    Agreed with male, didn't we comment on this one already being a 4 day old post?
  5. eat2muchrice

    Hi everyone I just got a panther chameleon!!!!!

    95% sure he is Male, showing a puffy bulge in the base of his tail.
  6. eat2muchrice

    What sex is my panther chameleon?

    Male, First picture shows a good bugle in the base of the tail.
  7. eat2muchrice

    Help with Baby Panther sex?

    His name is "Sunny", my youngest named him from the books "Wings of Fire".
  8. eat2muchrice

    Panther Chameleon Vomited

    He should be fine after a good nights rest. At that young age feed extra small bugs, better to have them eat more smaller ones then to choke on something too big and stop feeding meal worms.
  9. eat2muchrice

    Help with Baby Panther sex?

    Update, Little dude is growing fast and showing lots of green.
  10. eat2muchrice

    He Exploded lol

    Flexing his muscles and ripping off his cloths, happens to me all the time.....
  11. eat2muchrice

    Just took 4 month old veiled to the vet they gave vitamin a and d injection now it wont eat and is lathargic

    I don't understand the need for an "injection" at that young of age unless it was a life and death issue and on top of that vitamins "injection" would not save its life.
  12. eat2muchrice

    Veiled male or female?

    Male, boy, him, dude, bro.
  13. eat2muchrice

    Sex of my veiled and panther

    Both are male, the panther has a bulge in the tail and your veil has spurs on the back feet.
  14. eat2muchrice

    Sex my chameleon!

    Maybe a slight bugle, no sign of an indent. 65% male... That's my best guess.
  15. eat2muchrice

    Help with Baby Panther sex?

    Not in my state.......o_O
  16. eat2muchrice

    Help with Baby Panther sex?

    Update, 99.9% confident "Sunny" is a boy!
  17. eat2muchrice

    What sex is my 4 month old panther chameleon?

    At that age is so hard to tell, I'd say based on the tail I'd give it 70% chance you got a male, but my son says 65% female. Give him/her a few weeks more and it will clearly show signs of a bulge or not in the tail. If you can get clear picture it would be easier to tell.
  18. eat2muchrice

    Cham thinks I’m food

    Maybe a beauty mark on your face that she thinks is a bug. Does she always strike around the same location?
  19. eat2muchrice

    Chameleon sex??

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