Tested this with a few different bulbs and here are my results. Again, fits my basic needs to test what bulbs need to be changed or if they are fake. It would be great if someone here with a $250 Solarmeter or professional meter can do comparison test with these cards.
1 year old vs brand new...
REPTI ZOO UVB Tester Reptile Lamp UV Sensor Reptile UVA UVB Fluorescent Lamp Tester Card
Not selling anything here, but thought these are really cool for only $8 for two on Amazon. Tested all my lights and it worked for the basic needs I wanted them for.
Haha, its just like a trash bag for a trash can. There are little babies that also will get dumped into the bag when you clean, that is what the "escape stick" is for. Most of the babies escape and fall out in about 48 hours, then you dump the trash bag "dog poop bag". The bag is optional.
I was lucky one day and restaurant was throwing out a huge stack of them. I also keep my stock replenished when we go buy eggs at Costco, search egg trays online at places like Amazon.
Found an older picture of my roach setup before I wrapped it in insulation, this lets you see how it is setup inside. Again this is a 40gal tank, but the size can be scaled smaller.
I connect two egg creates together to create "books" that open up when I search for roaches.
Just posting...
Cheap glass tanks can be found on at petco $1 per gallon sales or on craigslist. With a glass tank you can use a metal putty/ knife to easily scrap it clean, much easier to clean then plastic.
Yes! with a glass bottom tank all the weak dying roaches will not have the strength to climb back up...
I used the self adhesive pads to the bottom of the glass, I think there are two zoo meds pads and they are both connected to some cheap hydroponic thermometer controllers. I also use a baking sheet pan flipped up-side-down to cover the heat pads, that pan is just held up to the bottom of the...
Hey Guys! I'm back again for a little bit, just wanted to share with everyone how my roach colony has evolved throughout the years and how I created my setup for easy care and cleaning. For years this system has been working perfectly for me to keeping the roaches healthy and clean. I'll try and...
Sorry for the lack of updates, I’ve been super busy with playing around with my eldest son. He is now 3.5 year old has started building Lego sets, so I have been spending all my extra time teaching him how to build and follow instructions. My computer is still on the fritz, but I spent our...
Sorry for the lack of updates, having computer problems and currently shopping for a good replacement. I have already ordered the parts for the new batch of feeder cups and should start working on them this weekend.