If you don't already have live plants in the cage, these help a lot. I've heard of people that get the right humidity level just by adding live plants. Using a cool mist humidifier in the room can help and wrapping three sides of the cage with plastic. What species do you have? How often and how...
City pressure, there is a faucet within 5 feet of the designated set up. The patio has a set up run off city that does well, I don't even remember when that went in though, long long while ago. We have soft water here, which helps. I am stopping by hardware store tomorrow to check what they...
Just got off phone with vet, she returned my voicemail. Told her about the tongue issue. I'm sending video to her, so she can forward to specialists. Now talking about x-rays to rule out early onset MBD :/ Thoughts?
True Jevin! I know once my panther got a taste for silkies and hornworms, he decided nothing else mattered. Wish I had your problem though, worms are expensive to buy! lol
I will add a couple of quick things by looking at the picture of his cage. Nice size! I'm jealous. But... Are you misting at all? Looks like you have a fountain in the bottom left corner maybe? Chameleons will generally drink from bowls or fountains as last resort if at all. Make sure you are...
This form will help us help you :) Don't take any of our advise as attacks, we are here to help and are glad you are seeking info. Unfortunately chain petstores are not as knowledgeable as they should be. For different types of feeders, lots of people order online, or you can see if there is a...
So cool! That first pic looks like someone woke him up from bed too early on a saturday and he is not pleased, lol. I'm gonna be sticking with common species until I'm a more proficient keeper, but it's so cool to see different chams, especially captive hatched. Are the parents both WC?
Thanks! Makes me feel better, wanted to make sure. I know what you mean about bigger fish. I REALLY want to start my enclosure now, I even have my plants picked out and ready to be bought... buuutt... should really take care of some other things first, stuff that society deems "more important"...
Hey all, I'm dealing with an ongoing problem with my panther cham. My last post with his husbandry here: https://www.chameleonforums.com/threads/chronic-eye-problem-should-i-take-to-vet-a-3rd-time.163796/
Husbandry Changes: Basking temp raised to 90. Humidity raised 60-70. Beta carotene drops...
Hi all! I am planning my outdoor enclosure for my panthers. It will only be for some day use, not permanent housing. However, the summers are ridiculously hot here (Central California). Misting will definitely help extend the use of the enclosure and I am excited to give my chams extra long...
Well said! There are many ways that people get into cham keeping, and sometimes they "fall" into it. But coming to the forums and asking for help, and like you say, setting the ego aside for the better of your cham :D
Do you have any chain stores near you? I know they are not a favorite for feeders, but in a pinch that is sometimes where I have to go. Ours carry the Vita Bugs from Timberline, so they have small stocks of superworms, crickets, sometimes wax worms, and hornworms
Welcome Brooke! I love how enthusiastic you are :) Which is great news for Durnehviir ;)
I will start by saying, I can tell the petstore gave you common advice (common from petstores) that is not 100% correct or adequate. This happens quite a bit. I got my boys from a reptile expo and even...
I second James. Also, to help with crickets, check out this old thread. Some people make diy cricket feeders out of milk jugs etc, that are supposed to keep crickets contained: https://www.chameleonforums.com/threads/homemade-cricket-feeder.29638/
Perhaps the shower allowed a nice eye cleaning session for him or the warm water maybe relived some discomfort? Keep us posted on how the vet visit goes. Thoughts are with you and your little guy