Dubias don’t really move around much. Silks not much but you can definitely see that they move/are alive. Can I see a picture of them? Also I’d just say wait for tomorrow morning he’s probably fine and just tired/sleeping (I don’t know though) if tomorrow he still doesn’t open his eyes then...
50 is a lot you want to look into reducing that amount. Feeding a lot and providing higher basking levels increases clutches and 50 is a lot. I’ll tag some more experienced female owners to help you more @MissSkittles @kinyonga @AmandaS
Can we see pictures? 😊 As for refusing food I’m not really sure I’ve never gone through expect when I first got my baby. Here’s a video though https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=waCeIkQE1hw
Ok so now you can sanitize branches that you find outside or anywhere I’ll post a link to a video. You’ll want to start getting the plants and repotting so you can set it up when the cage comes. Remember to have everything set up before you place her in the cage. Also read through the like @...
To everyone asking where they’re from it says UTAH in their username bio thing 😆 so I’m assuming Utah but I don’t know where exactly, just to give you a bigger idea until they answers 😊
I signed and now I’m just watching the number go up it went from 100 to 300 in a matter of seconds 😲. Also I was just thinking this for some reason it just popped into my head when I reading through the thread but, why do most people automatically assume they have a male when they purchase their...
Well she ate the one that was just a day away from blooming 🙄 ate most of the little babies so now we wait to see if she’ll eat the rest or at least let ONE bloom 😂
Yes and no, not those sizes this one
Forgot to mention but you’ll need to repot the plants with organic soil and place some rocks on top so that your cham cannot accidentally eat any of the soil
Ok you’re also gonna need plants and usually you’ll spend at least $100 or around that for them depending on how much they are it honestly varies. You can get them at Home Depot, Walmart, Lowe’s, a nursery, just as long as it’s the right ones.
You can buy the 36” light fixture on Pangea you can put it diagonally, have you purchased it yet? Both the t5ho and Arcadia ones are available in a 36” 6%
That ones good as well just remember you have to replace the bulb every 6 months
A humidifier is good for keeping up night time humidity. I have this one and it was also recommended by @ JacksJill but there are other ones as well. I don’t use it often since my humidity stays pretty high
I would recommend a mist king but those are pretty expensive. If you’re not home most the time I’d recommend getting an automatic misting system but if you are home I’d just hand mist.
I don’t know much about panthers sadly but I’m learning. I know that they start to get their colors each shed they have so it’s only a sit and wait kinda thing. Colors are unreliable at this age so the picture of him as instructed will be your best bet :)
So once you get the lights hopefully someone has gone over your husbandry. I can’t review it or tell you anything really because I don’t own a Jackson’s so just read through the links and wait patiently for @JacksJill or @Kaizen to answer. In case you need it again, also make the corrections...
I don’t think the light is good you need an Arcadia 6% (in the link above) or a t5ho 5.0 linear uvb