Just when I'm humidifying her... That's the first set up picture. Right now she is by the open window in my bedroom.. I have her cage on a roller tv stand. She goes from the bathroom to my bedroom to the second bedroom.. Its alot of sun trust me..
Nope, they're Moonlight 40watts by Exo Terra.. Pretty neat stuff. Ihave them casue its about 110 degrees here during the daytime and I have my air conditioner on full blast 74 degrees.. She wouldn't like it being below 75 in there with the open screen cage.. I love them!
Night glow bulbs.. I live in Nevada and I place her at an open window.. Plus, I have a UVB light in my bathroom when she isn't near light.. She loves it.. Her poop was white and yellow.. Now its brown and juicy.. I have been making her cricket glud loaded and watery.. To supplement her...
I purchased my Veiled Chameleon Cammie from LLL reptile. She is beautiful and very well tempered. I have a question on how to make her familiar with drinking water. The things I have tried are a slow drip at the faucet/cup:eek: near her mouth, misting and a running waterfall. None of these...
Sad stuff..
Yeah, I don't think it was your fault. Your not supposed to transport a gravid chameleon.. It upsets them, she probably just settled down and ended up passing.. :eek:
Yeah.. I wanna see ..
Neat take lots of pictures.. My chameleon book on CC said they can lay as early as 4 to 6 months old... I'm excited for you.. :rolleyes: