Theyre really bad where I live.. almost invasive but harmless. Accept for the people who get in there cars in the morning and hundreds fly out from under it ha surprise!!
Its just about time where thousands of these fly in to our state of Colorado.. Theyre everuwhere literally and always out at night.
My question is, are they safe for my cham? Especially if I can breed them?
Ill buy a few every once in a while to feed right away.. but thats the precise reason theyre not my primary feed haha My gf ever saw one of those in the house, my cham and I would be packed and out the door=P
Thought id try it out and save some space and energy with my setup=D temps are optimal and the uv is up to par..
Just wanted to know if anyone else had any thoughts on them??
Like angiel said it can def take some time.. my male veiled finally eats out of my hand and chills out a bit and ive had him for 6 months now. I personally think it took longer cuz I was pulling him out when I first got him. (Pissed off) haha
I dont quite know if I can do that=P but you should be able to remember my tag didyousneeze haha jus so everyone knows I might make a new post saying pascal is now squirt!!!=))