My chameleon just eats about 1-3 crickets a day and its not good. here is some info about her.
Your Chameleon: It is an Amblilobe female. Ive had her for 1 week and 1 day.
Handling: 1-2 times a week
Supplements: I give her reptivite 3 times a week, and RepoCal 2 times a week.
(im scared that...
Do you guys know if females have blue or red bars because mines does, and whenever I go on the internet I never see the females having bars, just circles on them?
How long
I know this is a dumb question, but how long do chameleons live without eating, because I think he still isn't used to his new house, and i'm not going to feed him for like 2 or 3 days.:confused:
More colors!!!
I also noticed right now that he/she has some green on his cheek, and little green dots on his/her body.:D Also when He/she puffs up I see a lot of red under her chin. Does this mean anything?