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  1. booshified

    CATS and chameleons...?

    i have two assumptions. the first is size. most cats will try to stick to smaller prey and do not know how to handle the larger stuff. i have seen rats face off with cats and the cats back down. my second is that cats are attracted to moving things (like how chams are attracted to live...
  2. booshified


    yeah...I think its been about 10 years since I felt one. I seem to just sleep right through them. i hope there isnt one that i wake u to anytime soon ;)
  3. booshified

    San Deigo Wildfires

    i believe this is true///////////////no matter how drunk i am :D
  4. booshified

    San Deigo Wildfires

    I also dont see it as an excuse. I do however see this as part of the reason that crime was already bad in NO.
  5. booshified

    Quantity to feed (Dubias) to 6 month old Veiled(s)?

    i dont like this method with dubias. they can hide real well. I def prefer cup feeding with them.
  6. booshified

    Just an idea, for my enclosure.

    i just dont think that the PVC will work too well. i just see it pouring out of there.
  7. booshified

    My Chameleon Monitoring Website

    how big is it? you have any pics?
  8. booshified

    Purchased Blaptica Dubai Colony is one of the many. you could also get them from certain members of this forum.
  9. booshified

    San Deigo Wildfires

    had a discussion with some people about this. we came to the conclusion that while I am very proud of the way that everyone handled this situation we cannot compare the two and I don't think it is fair to. things like the poverty level and other problems before katrina had a huge impact on...
  10. booshified

    Auto feeder for Reps?

    i don't think this is what they are looking at it for. if i were to use an auto feeder it would only be when I am out of town for a few days. if you make sure your cham is getting all the right supplements before and after those few days they should be fine.
  11. booshified

    green tree pythons?

    if im not mistaken i think hairfarm does
  12. booshified

    Dubias - where to buy (NOW!)

    you are probably gonna wanna cup feed roaches. they can be much better at hiding then crickets and this could cause problems in short and long run.
  13. booshified

    San Deigo Wildfires

    513,000 evacuated so far
  14. booshified

    New Line of Misting Nozzles & Systems - Sneak Peek!

    website? you selling through a website? if so when do you plan on being operational?
  15. booshified

    San Deigo Wildfires

    they will play. the NFL showed that during the Cedar fires. nothing means more to the NFL then staying on schedule.
  16. booshified

    San Deigo Wildfires

    I have family in Escondido, San Marcos, and Poway. I have avoided calling them because there is little I could do and I figured I should keep off my cell as much as possible. as for the rest I refer to my last post
  17. booshified

    San Deigo Wildfires

    i would like to second this
  18. booshified

    San Deigo Wildfires

    San Diego is a War zone right now. i live next to the stadium which is going to hold some of the at least 250,000 people that have been evacuated so far. it will be an interesting next few days round here. i also have Chargers season tickets. we are prepared to load up the RV and go...
  19. booshified

    Reptiles recognize people?

    my iguana would come and sit on me. never anyone else.
  20. booshified

    Help With Roach colonies Tips needed

    this is funny cause they are A LOT better then crickets. no smell. no noise. no jumping. the males can fly but this is rare so as long as you have a lid on you are good.
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