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  1. J

    Thank you to the forum

    I just wanted to say thanks for all of the suppourt and feed back from all of the forum memebers over the last year and a half. my female jacksonii died this morning/last night. not sure if i will get another right away as they are quite a committment. either way, thank you. I'm sure ill be a...
  2. J

    baby jacksonii for sale

    I have 4 babies that are looking for good homes. I can work a good deal out. shipping costs around 60-75 and im looking for donations past that. they retail on the only place you can find them for $300. let me know. I understand i will not get retail price.
  3. J


    every pro has to start as an beginner right?
  4. J

    The Best Tree?

    i also have success with these plants, but having more than one to rotate into some natural sun does make it a lot easier. i have a montane species so i cant have all the light the plants really need.
  5. J

    Jackson enclosure video

    why do you have those bowls full of rocks?
  6. J

    jacksonii baby questions

    a few more......................
  7. J

    jacksonii baby questions

    some pics of the babies...............
  8. J

    jacksonii baby questions

    thanks for the help guys!
  9. J

    jacksonii baby questions

    I was blessed with 6 mt kenyan jacksonii jacksonii babies on the morning of 8/19. 1. should i keep them in a exoterra 10 in x 10 in by 20 in tall or a small plastic critter keeper that is prob 1 gallon. currently they are in the exoterra. 2. is every one free ranging the fruit flies? or feed...
  10. J

    my babies finally came!!!

    tmw when there is light. no need to stress the babies out at midnight.
  11. J

    my babies finally came!!!

    so my female jacksonii finally had her babies. i got her in january and she was already pregnant. she had 6 babies 8/19 in the am and have not noticed any more. i seperated them and put the babies in a small exoterra tank. i wasnt able to take any pics because i had to run to work and it was...
  12. J

    Exo Terra Cameroon Expedition 3 - Mount Manengouba

    thanks a lot for the great post!
  13. J

    Reptile expo pick up=Jackson check out this article. it may be helpful.
  14. J

    Jacksons care

    i thought it was a good article. thank you. here is a link to another good article.
  15. J

    Favorite Jackson

    looks just like my female jacksonii. u may want to get a bigger cage and house the chameleon by its self. how big is your cage?
  16. J

    how do you guys set up branches in your cages?

    the first picture is kinda blurry but basically it is the fishing sting tied to a small branch i broke off. the wood displaces the weight, could work with heavier branches with a larger piece of wood or plastic, ect.
  17. J

    how do you guys set up branches in your cages?

    fishing string holding my feed cup.
  18. J

    Setup help and seeking advice

    i live in michigan and i know it is nothing like alaska, but our winters are dry and they suck for reptiles. u need a bigger cage. llc reptiles makes a good setup for $100 shipped (not sure to ak). use live plants that pretty much fill the whole cage, pack them in there. (there is a really good...
  19. J

    how do you guys set up branches in your cages?

    use fishing string and tie the branches to it. then thread the other side of the line through the screen on top and to a popsicle stick or other small piece of wood. the popsicle stick will stop the screen from having to much pressure on any on spot and it will hang perfect. this is pending the...
  20. J

    shipping gravid females?

    you may want to have more than one cage. i have a pair and the female gets pretty pissy when the male is in her cage. she shakes the branch and her throat turns all red. i think that she is gravid. otherwise they are really cool chameleons.
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