i have the full write up with pictures on CL.
have any questions call or text me 321-223-2246
location: Gainesville FL UF Area
5.0 UVB 50W heat bulb, and double housed in a zoo-med dome.
all the injuries and/or healthproblems where from another owner, i dont really see these issues developing over the 2 weeks ive had him so far, the white eye marks i thought were just shedding, so i didnt think anything of it, and i...
I just got him from a pet shop, so i dont know what kind of food they have been feeding him. I try and take him out in the sun but, also i try not to handle him alot since i just got him and i wanted him to adjust.
As far as both eyes he closes both of them almost all the time. the white...
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon- Panther chameleon, male, about 9-10 months old, had him for about 2 weeks.
Handling - once every 2 weeks ish maybe less
Feeding - cricket/ silk worms, about 10-12 crickets a day some times less or more depending on appetite, gut load: romaine lettuce, red...
the pet shop got the cham on a trade in. so they only had him for about a month or so
do you think that if i start gut loading correctly and feeding him a better balanced diet he will get better?
Did the tongue issue come on suddenly since you got him, or has it always been that way?
the tongue comes out just fine, its the length im confused about, when i first got him i noticed that he had trouble hitting the crickets and it would take him 3-4 tries on some and hit others, but i...
more info!!
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon- Panther chameleon, male, about 9-10 months old, had him for about 2 weeks.
Handling - once every 2 weeks ish maybe less
Feeding - cricket/ silk worms, about 10-12 crickets a day some times less or more depending on appetite, gut...
He is eating like a horse and drinks water from the leaves.
I just got a young adult panther chameleon and, i noticed that when ever i come into the room he seems to be "sleeping" both of his eyes are closed. I was getting ready to feed him and he got startled and opened both of his eyes. I...
damn i really wanted a male for the colors, i did some research and saw that females where peachy but i hoped for the best, when the guy at the shop told me he was 80% sure it was a male. kinda pisses me off really.
can you guys tell me what a good misting system that will get the job done when I'm not hope for around 50-100 bucks, if you can make them what materials would you need, BE SPECIFIC!! plz.
i have a 2 and a half month old veiled chameleons and he was green then i picked him up and now he is always brown ever since the day i put him in the new cage.
He isn't a dark dark brown but brown, I'm thinking it might be the temperature.
i got a thermometer that can read 2 temperatures...