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  1. farrahsc

    Veiled Cham - One Eye Closed - Help Please.

    Email me the pics and I can post them for you. It's [email protected] Pics of the set and cham can help alot in figuring out what is wrong.
  2. farrahsc


    Here is Jan's egg laying blog which is extremely helpful! My girl is also 7 months but has yet to show any signs of being gravid. I keep her at cooler temps and watch her diet closely. She is 10" long from the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail. I've never heard that a smaller cham needs a...
  3. farrahsc


    7" is not deep enough. At least 12" is recommended. Is she skinny now? Can you tell there are no more eggs?
  4. farrahsc

    Usambara Pitted Pygmy Chameleons

    I have 2 male Usambara Pitted Pygmy Chameleons I'm looking to sell or trade. Both are eating and drinking great, have been treated with panacure and have been in my care for over a month. I'm willing to sell or trade them. Just PM me with any questions or offers.
  5. farrahsc

    Any minute now!!!

    Congratulations on your new arrival!
  6. farrahsc


    Welcome to the forum! This is a wonderful place to gets tons of information! Your little one is adorable!
  7. farrahsc

    Its so fluffy I'm gonna die!!

    That's pretty normal cham behavior. Do you still have him on carpet?
  8. farrahsc

    Help me sex them? Pygmy chameleons.

    Also the male looks dehydrated. Give them both some really good mistings!
  9. farrahsc

    Help me sex them? Pygmy chameleons.

    The smaller one looks female and the larger one male. I love that extro terra kit!
  10. farrahsc

    walking sticks?

    If anyone finds these for sale please let me know. They had some at the expo but I didn't know a friend wanted them.
  11. farrahsc

    9 day old baby jacksons

    Are those baby Quads I see? How adorable!
  12. farrahsc

    corvallis oregon

    Whatcha getting babe?
  13. farrahsc

    Getting the humidity High Enough

    A humidifier would be better plus lots of mistings each day. A fogger really doesn't do much.
  14. farrahsc

    Growth of a female Veiled

    I just got a scale about 2 weeks ago. I will weigh her tomorrow and add it to this. I should also add at this time she has never laid any eggs or shown any signs of being gravid.
  15. farrahsc

    Growth of a female Veiled

    Hey guys I've been charting the growth of my female Veiled "Cali" and thought I would share it with you. It may help some with aging but I can't guarantee anything lol. It will also show how fast they grown and how important it is to have the right cage size. All measurements are from the tip of...
  16. farrahsc

    Jackson's and Johnston's

    Here is my little girl fresh out of the box.
  17. farrahsc

    Bluemoon Saga

    He is beautiful and I love the white contrast around his mouth!
  18. farrahsc

    Eye Burn????!!!!

    IMHO it looks more like a bruise to me then a burn. Has he been rubbing his eye?
  19. farrahsc

    Jackson's and Johnston's

    They were a bit dehydrated when they got here but after about an hour of drinking they ate about 6 crickets a piece. They are really active! They are roaming all over their enclosure. The male is still stressed out by his coloring but is getting better. The female seems right at home. They are...
  20. farrahsc

    Jackson's and Johnston's

    I totally think I have his sister lol. Mine came yesterday from Underground and the female is super red like that!
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