Bump. She still doesn't seem to be eating, for like 2 days now. Got mealworms and crickets in there. She just seems to be wanting to bask all day today. Any advice?
Any help? Today same thing, not eating. She seems to be sluggish. Just real dark basking at the top for long periods of time... She is closing her eyes too, but I'm not sure if that's just because she is basking. She kind turns to the side too when she sits there. Like she is trying to sun just...
Yeah, well mine is about 1 month so... The feeder cup is a little too big for her to get into and it's barely big enough to keep pinheads from jumping out. I tried hanging some branches over the side, but I tried to not give the crickets a ladder to climb out.
Ok so moving my more specific questions about feeding to this section, but really it's more of a continuation of my post in "Enclosures and Supplies". Picked up a baby Nosy Be Panther on the 3rd. Was hoping for a boy, but upon further research and examination I'm nearly certain we got a girl...
I did try that. Unfortunately I'm a giant... so its difficult to hang on to pinheads and smalls without crushing them AND my cham is still terrified of my hand so he will retreat. :-/
Very much actually. Thanks so much. I'll eliminate the night time heat lamp asap. Bummer I bought all this stuff and I'm slowly eliminating all of it... As long as it keeps the baby alive I guess it's no big.
Ok! Just an update to the setup. I got the feeling you guys wanted me to take out the waterfall and CocoSoft substrate so boom done! Plant also repotted and cleaned. I backed off my combo lamp more in yet another attempt to lower the high temps a tad. If I can't bring the temps down I'm just...
I've seen a bunch of colors on him(still hoping lol), but he keeps going back to that faded light color which makes me think female too. It's very confusing, I swear I see blues and greens, but other times only light. Today he saw himself when I put him in a smaller container to try to aid in...
Yeah in an attempt at lowering the basking spot temps I moved the light up about 5 inches and when I repot the plant and remove the substrate that should bring the ficus down a tad. Thanks!
Only while they're young or always? The guy at LLL assured me that stuff was great, but I guess I kinda expected he would just be selling me on some stuff.
Ok, I'll trust you on that. Should I use anything in its place? or just leave the bottom bare? Also, I think I'll remove the waterfall just to simplify things and I'll more closely monitor the basking temperatures. Thanks for the tips!
I use the coconut substrate for moisture and the pieces are pretty big, plus he never goes anywhere near it. The waterfall is also for moisture and ambient noise (for me and him) and yes I keep it clean.
Just to preface this, some questions will be off topic, but I wanted to just cover all my topics at once.
New chameleon owner here. I've always wanted one growing up, but had everything but. My wife said she wanted one recently and said we could get one so I jumped on it. So we picked up a...