the bowl is just there to collect excess water. i have a dripper and spray 2 to 3 times a day plus i have a live tree so humidty is pretty good never drops below 50%. i was watching him earlier and where the bowl is lumpy he was rubbing his belly so think it was to help him shed.
hes jsut cruised down to the water bowl as we speak. actually mine is eaten very little since the shed. i got a panther tho so dunno if it means there different
ok so 2 days ago my chameleon starting shedding. and since then i keep finding him walking on the ground. im not sure if hes falling but ive seen him at the bottom hanging on to the dripper tray watching the drops drop in.
is it normal for a cham to go lower when shedding?
i got a repti breeze xl and i put and weeping fig in. but im trying to hang plants and vine but cant find a way to do it. i dont really wanna cut the mesh or put wood or plexi up.
any help would be great
the chunk
i saw the umbrella plant in mine today but it didnt say if was the right one so i opted for the ficus weeping fig.
also i saw a madagascan dragon plant if thats how you spell it.does any1 nos if there safe?
tried the chunk on the fig tonight seemed to love it kept kissing it
yehh i like him seems freindly been eating since day one
yehh does seem to drain some of the colour. he has yellow lips and face has lots of colour blues yellow green orange
just hope hes drinking ok. heres another one of him in the flex
hello here is a couple of pics of chunk my 5 month nosey be. i not sure if hes a cross. hes chin and belly go white with red dots and sometimes blue
just seeing if you think hes ok
hello im looking for some live tree/plants for my 4 foot high tank. im in the uk and was wondering if anyone no`s of anywhere i can order online?
also anyone on here no what the cricket crack gutloader is like from tiki tiki reptiles. i think its from them
yesturday he attemepted to drink. he shot his tounge across the tank at the dripper pipe and hanged onto it.
think he got it stuck but other than that nothing.
think tomorrow ill leave him alone and leave some crickets in the cup and few locast walking and see what happenes