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  1. The Chunk


    nahh it will be a nosey be panther
  2. The Chunk


    Merry christmas people. quick question for a 5 month i should have a low 80 temp in day right but whats a rough temp for night? and say once he becomes adult whats the day a night temps? have a good day everyone :D The Chunk
  3. The Chunk


    yehh i thought it would look pretty nice fogging out the bottom of the tank
  4. The Chunk


    so my bulb set fire to my tank and everythng burnt down. nahhh just kiddinig. the smell has gone off now. the cage itself isnt getting that hot. but its reaching a niiice basking temp. ive had the light on for 4 hours last night to see how it does. im gunna run all day today to see how its...
  5. The Chunk


    yehh for what vie done on this one ive think its came out really well. lots of fake plants big branches. few bits of fake vine. i have the big dripper and a massive rocky bowl to collect all the water in. i also got a mister to spray. was thinking of putting the waterfall in. but afvter reading...
  6. The Chunk


    yeh well its a 4 foot high by 3 foot wide by 2 deep. is pretty big. but i have a 5 foot heigh cupboard which id like to put a alley mesh door on to use eventually. and use that. its gunna be for now untill i can get things set up.
  7. The Chunk


    well its a brand new bulb open yesterday. so im hoping its it proper order. im running it now making sure i have the right basking temp. is it low 80s f for a 5 month old?
  8. The Chunk


    lol to the grilled chameleon. i havent got him in yet. i think the smell might be its a new holder. yes its a nylon mesh tank from exo terra. so i would of thought it would be heat proof?. also i thought the mesh would asbord like 40% of the uv rays. ill have to try and see how it goes. if it...
  9. The Chunk


    well its hanging above a mesh tank. and where i live is cold and its only jsut hitting over 80 at over a foot away. and i have a cermatic for night heating. its cold this winter and we dont have heating on. but noone has an idea for the smell?
  10. The Chunk


    so ive got a trex 160 watt mvb. i have a flexarium and it hangs on a chain outside the tank. but ive just wired it up and smell a little like its burning. anyone got any ideas what it could be. i have a 250 watt heat restistant holder and i got some heat res cable
  11. The Chunk

    photo of what may be

    i havent seen him yet. beasue of work and snow ive been emailing around and they said they send me some pictures. from what ive heard and seen of them the shop is pretty good, they have a male sambva but wont sell as hes ill and trying to get him better. so i trust them. so youd say he is a...
  12. The Chunk

    photo of what may be

    here he is
  13. The Chunk

    photo of what may be

    hello im new to your forum. over the last month ive been getting my bits ready to get a chameleon. i have a photo of one from a shop near by that has a nosey be male 5 months old. just wondered what you think does he look male? and around 5 months? The Chunk
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