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  1. alan23

    for first panther chameleon

    think im sticking to me guns lol one day i will have a room just for chams and then av a mixtuer. all in time though lol
  2. alan23

    for first panther chameleon

    think when i do it will prob be a ambilobie.good to see more uk people!:)
  3. alan23

    for first panther chameleon

    wud love to but shipping to uk wud b so exspensive lol only prob with uk not so many places to offerd a nosey be ysterday but i aint got enough room at mo i am just planning ahead at mo or i wud of snapd one up :(
  4. alan23

    for first panther chameleon

    too many choices eh lol
  5. alan23

    for first panther chameleon

    was looking at ambilobies they look nice.yea looking ta more colourful i think as be cool to see and spesh when they sleep:)
  6. alan23

    for first panther chameleon

    for my first panther chameleon which breed would u recomend ? :D
  7. alan23

    plants to hang in cage

    sorry didnt see u put coated wire lol
  8. alan23

    plants to hang in cage

    like tht idea mate just lookd at ya pics it hink i can see it up on ya cage never thought of tht wht sort of wire u use to hand ya plants as to go through mesh too:)
  9. alan23

    plants to hang in cage

    cable tied it yea just looking to do all his cage up again for summer u got a pic of ya enclosure sorry for being a pain:(
  10. alan23

    plants to hang in cage

    just woundering as my cage is aluminum if i hang the spider plant in pot do u think it will damage the cage?
  11. alan23

    plants to hang in cage

    what is the best plant to hang in the cage to fill lots of space
  12. alan23

    panther chameleon in uk

    looking at good breeders for panther chameleons in uk many recomendations on gatwick reptiles but site not up now.just woundering if any others can recomend me pease thank you:)
  13. alan23

    Another Video

    nice wudnt mind the woman coming to show me how to handle a chameleon lol:D
  14. alan23

    fruit beetle grub?

    yea they are pachnoda ones he just had one seems to like em thanx for the replys:)
  15. alan23

    fruit beetle grub?

    is fuit beetle grub ok to feed to my cham?:confused:
  16. alan23

    how long you had chameleon for?

    over 4 years tht is quite a while nice i wud love another cham but just aint got the room gutting but least bud gets all me attention lol
  17. alan23

    how long you had chameleon for?

    was thinking today i have had bud for over 2 years now and am quite proud about tht to be honest because i know how hard they are to keep would like to know the ages of other chams and this is prob my first post in about a year or bit less lol:)
  18. alan23

    zoo med lamps

    :mad:ok since the two years of having my chameleon i have had 3 lamps and they keep blowing on me why is this i chnged the fuse in one it workd half hour later it blew again is there any othe good lamps out there i cn get im in uk by the way is very stressful!!!!
  19. alan23

    upset chameleon

    yeah i know silly.nearly a week now not gd hopefully he will come round just have to kleep trying handing him treats.u in states lauri? lol
  20. alan23

    upset chameleon

    last saturday night i done a stupid thing when i was drunk and regret it now i came home drunk and thought id get bud out at 4 am well next day i got up and went to his cage he ws following me round like no 2moro tried to hand feed him bakd off and have never had a prob with hand feeding he is...
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