yes i did ws funny ws my cham walking on the floor towards me then all sudden he ws sprinting towards me and jumpd for my face i woke up with hands on my face grabbing action i woke up thinking eh lol iv had couple more bout him he had a shower under a tap lol
ivemaild him 2 see if he can do me a 5ft by 2ft by2ft see whtrice he gives me have to see bt yeah part from tht i cnt find any cages like tht to buy over here is rubbish
i just my cage and let him climb out and he climbs to top of cage then onto the curtain rail then wehn i need to get him bak in i cnt pick him up if he staying still he just lunges for me and stresses.i have to get him to start walking then he lets me put my hand under him is weird but works:)