hi guys
just sharing some pics and an eating video with you.sully turned 8 months today :-)
heres the video
sorry about the tapping noise.my pug thinks shes fred astaire lol
hi guys
im due to pick up my young royal python tomorrow.gosh im sooo excited!
just wanted to share with you some pics of his new home.i sure hope he likes it.
heres a video i took of my gorgeous boy today on his fav sofa (next to the patio door).
he loves walking up and down and looking out.so wanted to grab a quick video of him.:)
i could never be bored of sully never!
i love everything about him.even now when i watch him eat its like the first time i saw him eat.i was amazed and i still am.everytime i hold him i feel so privileged to own such an amazing,sweet & gentle creature :D
hi guys,well ive added a plant to the back top and some more vines.
im going to add some pothos and another umbrella at some point.
sullys happy with it so i guess mum done good.
ive got my royal pythons home to setup now as bringing him home friday.
sooooooooo excited!!!
cant wait to...