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  1. chnk

    Take a look at my new baby, hi grey/teal veiled chameleon

    thanks, Yea I'm very pick when it comes to buying a new cham, he was the best looking one with no signs of eye problems, dehydration, etc oh do you have some pics?
  2. chnk

    Take a look at my new baby, hi grey/teal veiled chameleon

    Thanks guys im excited to see what colors they guy will show and maybe possibly breed him with my female kameal. I paid a little extra for him only because all the other ones where just green. There was a baby panther for $75 i almost pulled the trigger on
  3. chnk

    How Spoiled is too Spoiled?

    Mine will only hand feed two she then hunts the rest
  4. chnk

    New Baby "Camila"

    Nice looking baby love sleeping pics
  5. chnk

    Repticon Atlanta! whos going?

    Did you get your male cham?
  6. chnk

    Take a look at my new baby, hi grey/teal veiled chameleon

    Was at repticon in atlanta today and noticed this little veiled he was supposedly only 5 week old but unlike other juvenile veiled chameleons he wasn't green :eek: This little guy was bred from a line of hi grey, teal stripped, and purple dot veiled chameleons. The breeder had no picture of...
  7. chnk

    Repticon Atlanta! whos going?

    I have an extra juvenile cage 30x16x16 and maybe looking into buying a new baby chameleon to put in it. Whos all going its at the gwinnett fair grounds again I can't wait :)
  8. chnk

    Official baby Quad update thread

    man I wasnt aware there was a line already D:, add me to the line ill deposit if i have too. They're too cute to resist
  9. chnk

    Gravid female/Receptive Colors possibly?

    still no egg laying still eating fine though
  10. chnk

    Gravid female/Receptive Colors possibly?

    I read her blog, and its a good idea so ill do that :) now do i give her uvb/uva light and a feeder cup too?
  11. chnk

    Gravid female/Receptive Colors possibly?

    she has actually, shes only eating like 4 crickets a day now and thats only if i hand feed it to her, other than that shes not interested caught her outside her cage again
  12. chnk

    Gravid female/Receptive Colors possibly?

    stilll no egg laying but she has some new colors, slightly orange/yellow stripes her she is making a break for it
  13. chnk

    Gravid female/Receptive Colors possibly?

    could this just be her big girl colors? she seems to be only eating the sand -.-
  14. chnk

    L a 'Different' Veiled Cham

    thats a good looking boy, look how big that casque is!
  15. chnk

    Gravid female/Receptive Colors possibly?

    still no luck just changed the viv around and shes not very happy with it. Removed her umbrella plant and sacrificed one my smaller umbrella plants to put in her laying bin. Cleaned out the sand more. moved her pothos around. Gave her a nice misting and cup full of crickets. I noticed shes...
  16. chnk

    Gravid female/Receptive Colors possibly?

    thanks surprising enough I got her from petsmart :D.
  17. chnk

    Gravid female/Receptive Colors possibly?

    mine has started to show some interest in the laying bin so hopefully it goes well, caught her going in it as i was about to leave the house for work if not imma get a big trashcan fill it with dirt and sand, place a plant in there and put her in there
  18. chnk

    Gravid female/Receptive Colors possibly?

    I notice my girl seems to be interested in the potted live plants, should i remove those? or remove the rocks atleast?
  19. chnk

    Gravid female/Receptive Colors possibly?

    shes eating and drinking just fine, but she is moving around her cage alot top to bottom vise versa
  20. chnk

    Gravid female/Receptive Colors possibly?

    so shes showing her receptive colors, should i be worried about egg laying yet?
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