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  1. chnk

    Brothers together..

    the left one is a gainst spiny or the oustalets chameleon? I want a second cham and I can't decide what to get, torn between male jacksons, gaint spiny, or a boyfriend for my female veild
  2. chnk

    Brothers together..

    thats awesome they tolerate each other?
  3. chnk

    Dante is 1 year old!! w/pics

    they grow ridiculous fast dont they
  4. chnk

    Mesh Enclosure Help

    you can cover three sides with a shower curtain
  5. chnk

    New Babies

    nice they are the cutest things take the water fountain out of the cage, chameleons like to poop in water. the water fountain will their water source and toilet, which can be a bacteria pool.
  6. chnk


    every morning lol,
  7. chnk

    Panthers eating fruit

    fruit doesnt seem to stick too well on tongues, my veiled is interested in anything i give her if i make it move a little
  8. chnk

    Traded My Ambilobe for a Nosy Be

    honestly i wouldn't be too harsh on the pet store owner they don't know everything about one of their products, as long as the pet was well taken care of it what i look for in a pet store
  9. chnk

    Looking to purchase a panther at a reptile store

    before buying watch the chams habits for a god 20 minutes, 2 months that cham should be all over the place, eyes constantly looking all over the place.
  10. chnk

    what woods cant be used in DYI projects.

    1) idk really lol 2) fiber meshed is prefered but crickets could possibly chew through it, ive used the pet coated ones with no issues 3) newspaer or paper can be used, i use nothing really 4) covering up a few sides will be fine and will help hold in humidity, just make sure the cham cant...
  11. chnk

    Our Baby Veiled Chameleon Won't Eat

    should be using a tropical uvb also, the desert might be putting out too much uvb, hes probably still adjusting, when i bought mine from petsmart she was nice there and when i took her home she was hissing, not eating and brown for a day or 2. then out of no where she gobbled up 2 dozen crickets
  12. chnk

    Almost here - Guess when??

    this thread is such a tease lol. ill trade you a cage for a baby :D
  13. chnk

    Worms as primary food source

    if you buy medium size sub adult crickets they will not chirp, if you keep them in a 10 gallon fishtank or a similar sized tuber ware its too high for them to jump out and too slick for them climb. Also dubia roaches make a pretty good feeder, much less odor and smell compared to crickets...
  14. chnk

    Almost here - Guess when??

    just maybe, i wanted to put two baby jacksons chameleons in it, but quads could work im just a sucker for the little nub horns
  15. chnk

    Almost here - Guess when??

    i just happen to have a juvenile size cage freed up :)
  16. chnk

    My Daytona Breeders Expo Purchases

    shes definitley a little cute cham, how much did she run yall?
  17. chnk

    T. Melleri and Friends

    what kind of cam is the first one?
  18. chnk

    Light green/yellow speckles

    try cup feeding to get her to eat
  19. chnk

    gravid or just fat?

    she was just fat, she dropped a huge load of poop this morning,
  20. chnk

    gravid or just fat?

    i did but shes really young and when i got her she was tiny so she cant be more than 3 or 4 months old, i might be over feeding her, she eats like dozen medium size crickets a feeding and i feed her twice a day
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