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  1. KarmaChameleon1337

    Frankenstorm on the way.

    We managed to not lose power and today our generator arrived.
  2. KarmaChameleon1337

    is it ok

    A bird can easily snatch your chameleon, or it could eat a poisonous bug. Be very watchful.
  3. KarmaChameleon1337

    Frankenstorm on the way.

    As most of you know there's a hurricane on the way, and we'll probably lose power. We're getting a generator this week but it might not be in time. So see you guys whenever this is over. Be safe!
  4. KarmaChameleon1337

    Senegal is lossing weight!

    Temperature effects digestion.
  5. KarmaChameleon1337

    In for a bad winter, advice?

    I appreciate you guys responded but I asked for non-generator advice.
  6. KarmaChameleon1337

    In for a bad winter, advice?

    Thank you for causing my Dr Pepper to now be inside my keyboard. :D
  7. KarmaChameleon1337

    In for a bad winter, advice?

    I don't doubt that. But goodluck getting the legholes big enough and actually getting it on if you're serious. Hahah.
  8. KarmaChameleon1337

    In for a bad winter, advice?

    Maybe a little mini heat pack backpack over it? ;)
  9. KarmaChameleon1337

    In for a bad winter, advice?

    If only they made sweaters for chameleons. :D I shouldn't mention that, my mom is already obsessed with crochetting and making doll clothes, she would actually try to make one.
  10. KarmaChameleon1337

    In for a bad winter, advice?

    Do they need to be microwaved?
  11. KarmaChameleon1337

    Any West Virginians here?

    Plain Virginia here. :)
  12. KarmaChameleon1337

    All white poop

    Kind of a ridiculous guess, but to me it looks like a silkworm coccoon, but I doubt it was alive and lived long enough in stomach acid to coccoon.
  13. KarmaChameleon1337

    Breeding horns?

    Lol I have a halloween party to go to and am having trouble finding a costume because unlike most teen girls, I don't want a slutty costume.
  14. KarmaChameleon1337

    In for a bad winter, advice?

    I can't heat water without electricity, we don't even have a firepit.
  15. KarmaChameleon1337

    Weird marks on female veiled lately

    They did, please read the whole thread first. Just a friendly suggestion.
  16. KarmaChameleon1337

    In for a bad winter, advice?

    Anyone have non-generator related advice?
  17. KarmaChameleon1337

    In for a bad winter, advice?

    I couldn't do that. I toss and turn haha. Don't think I know anyone with a generator.
  18. KarmaChameleon1337

    In for a bad winter, advice?

    How much would a generator of that size be?
  19. KarmaChameleon1337

    Breeding horns?

    My little bro changes his mind all the time. I made him sign a contract on what he wants me to make him.
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