How different is Jackson chameleon care to other chameleon like panther. I heard they need quite high humidity, how is this achieved with a mesh encolsure. Thanks
I don't know much about chameleons, but keeping them together is not a good idea. Also u have the wrong uvb, it should be a uvb strip bulb not the dome ones, they are useless to chameleons
See with me I'm paranoid about mixing animals, not only cause of them harming each other, but also transferring bacteria to each other lol. I am over cautious about stuff like that.
I completely understand everyone's different point of views and experiences, from what I've seen my cats only seem keen on the beardie when she's eating her crickets and running around. No idea how they would react to a cham, but as they are pretty slow I guess they wouldn't really care...
Hiya, I have discussed early and have got the bearded dragon. The cats at first were very interested, but honestly now don't care very much. They are indoor so don't have such a high prey drive. Is the chameleon still really not a possibility, or does it just depend on the chameleons...
Yep exactly, I don't like people who just rush into getting an animal providing it with improper care causing the animal stress, something I have always done is detailed research before commiting to any pet.
See you know what's really been putting me off is the live plants, I don't want them dieing which is why I think a beardie is better, and the bearidie would be in a vivarium so hard for the cats to get to, would the cats be able to get through one of the hybrid enclosures from muji or not. And...
I've been researching bearded dragons for a few months, but I've wanted a chameleon as well. However currently I think it's best to get a bearded only cause I'm studying and with the cats, don't wanna stress the chameleon out and I can't be there to supervisor during the day. My bedroom were I...
Thank you, there seems to be a lot of elements when caring for a chameleon, I think I might get a beardie first so I can get some experience before getting a chameleon. I don't wanna do something wrong and cause the chameleon any pain or suffering cause I wasn't equipped enough.
Thank you for this information, it's so helpful but I am unsure of whether I should get a chameleon, it seems like a lot of work, but hopefully once I get everything setup I'll be fine.
How would I attach then to the cage, I understand the bushier one can be placed on the ground. I am planning on getting a hybrid cage, with plastic sides and back.