But all in all they do love the cricket crack over other foods!!! I feed mines veggies also and they always leave behind some parts,, I guess our bugs are boooojjjjjjiiii,,,, lol...
I paid shipping and cost for some lobster roaches trying to switch scratchies diet up.. Shortly after they were shipped I read that they were climbing roaches......... When I got them they had some small ones, about 1/4".. I opened the container and they crawled out fast into the ziplock bag I...
I've been using it for about 2 weeks now.. You can use the controller to control humidity through exact levels not just timing.. You just use the alarm feature to shut off certain humidifying units when the desired humidity is reached.. I believe the unit is expandable so you can have more...
Hydroponic stores have them also.. I thought about coconut but they need to stay wet from mister or something to raise the humidity.. My reptifogger and big dripper has been doing the trick so far..
You can find it anywhere it was a mistake by canon... I've taken so many great shots.. http://www.yourstoreonline.net/(S(bxcppm55wfxtxp555auwcl55))/products/product.aspx?id=900677&scomp=googleBase&keyword=PowerShot+SX110+IS+9.0+Megapixel+10x+Optical+Zoom+Lens+3.0-inch+LCD
Canon powershot sx110is.. I can take any shot that a high end slr can for about a couple thousand less.. I take macros of coral in reef tanks and I can take a macro of my finger and show you the pores in between my finger print..
Sounds good I'll have to use the outlet from the controller to control the solenoid under the sink.
I'm glad my controller is expandable so I can add up to 20 4 outlet recepticles to be controlled. All I have to do is wirelessly connect the outlets through my apple airport, through my mac to...
Are you using a solenoid to hold back the faucet or do you manually turn off and on??? I've been looking for a faucet solenoid or something like this to run my run timed for about a year now..
Thanks, I thought about that as well drilling a hole to keep the original bottle filled by a 5g bucket with 1/4" tubing..
How long have you been running the fogger with the 2l bottle, any problems???