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  1. babyjoe

    saint patricks day tomorrow

    its the same setup here im afraid trace basically if you hit the town youll be joining a crowd of maybe 14/15 year olds drinking and falling over there are some great parades here though and a few decent pubs you can go to and have a drink in peace.
  2. babyjoe

    good television?

    thanks for rhe suggestions ill try them out.i forgot about game of thrones has been reccomended to me before
  3. babyjoe

    Show me your enclosure :)

    here is my current set up he is soon to be moved out into a bigger diy job ill upload some pics when its done.ill keep this set up and leave it as it is though just in case :) i acquire any more chams ha
  4. babyjoe

    saint patricks day tomorrow

    Hey guys its my biggest national holiday tomorrow.paddys day an excuse for a whole nation to go on the beer and a long weekend its I figured the forum is the ideal place because it has so many nationalities.I was curious if paddys day is celebrated in your town/city/country I do know...
  5. babyjoe

    My NEW WC Ambanja!!

    He has the makings of a stunner once you get him into top shape.I always think wc chams look really well there's something about them
  6. babyjoe

    nice everywhere today???

    Yes it was even sunny in Ireland today.but as usual I was stuck under cars for the day.hopefully the weather stays good for the parades and festivities tomorrow its saint Patrick they celebrate all over the states or is it just a new York thing
  7. babyjoe

    So what do you do for a living?

    Thanks to everyone for the good words about mechanics.I was only joking I still like my job at times ha.its a lot of hardship but I like it.I used to run racecars for a few people too but I had to give it up unfortunately as it takes up too much time.I'm hoping to start my first restoration...
  8. babyjoe

    So what do you do for a living?

    I'm a mechanic unfortunately :)
  9. babyjoe

    Back spikes aren't getting better. Please help!

    Good advice ferret.I keep a range of bulbs too as I noticed over the winter the basking temp dropped according to temps around the there starting to rise again and ill have to step down a bulb soon
  10. babyjoe

    Glass cages?

    If you want to use glass ( which I'm all for by the way) your going to have to build to be big suggestion I reckon is a display cabinet modified to be a cage.I have a few pics on my profile if you want to check it out.I'm just starting the build.
  11. babyjoe

    Theodore the Bulldog

    He's lovely I'm not allowed have any cool dogs like that because we have a 3 year old.maybe when she's bigger.til then I'm stuck with the girlfriends shiatzu( don't know if that's spelled right) and I have a race gray hound that I keep at my parents house
  12. babyjoe

    Found another toy...

    we never get the good stuff. that is pretty cool though max
  13. babyjoe

    A Jasmine update

    i still dont know how to quote 2 posts at once ha but both you and deca are wrong although i will agree that it sounds sam l-ish its from cool runnings mon they still put it on telly here over christmas every year an i always watch it:D
  14. babyjoe

    (im new) chameleon assistance?

    yea i didnt drill mine need a special drill bit for for cage size this is the reccomendation Cage Size: In general when housing chameleons, bigger is better. Veiled chameleons are highly territorial and easily stressed by the presence of other chameleons, even of their own...
  15. babyjoe

    Update on my little guy / reptifogger question

    a quick run around with a hot glue gun is a fast and easy fix and probably the safest option. my viv has a really fine mesh in the top so i had to cut a hole in the top to let more heat through from the basking lamp.what i did was take the spare pipe i got with the dripper and cut it down the...
  16. babyjoe

    good television?

    quick question guys.i just got netflix in and im looking for some good things to useless with television i can never think of what t want to watch i generally just start following something that i happen to see. also is the walking dead still big in the following that at...
  17. babyjoe

    What are Some of Your Favorite Songs and Music Videos?

    heres is an instrumental cover of one of my favourite songs a guns n roses classic this man is phenomenal i really reccomend looking at this also i really like these guys even though the author of twilight seemly thanked there music for inspiration...
  18. babyjoe

    Babies babies everywhere! Splash~ Sniper and Romeo!

    ahh convenient is there any left for customers ha
  19. babyjoe

    Ripley goes for a stroll

    my thoughts exactly.and the colours are a great shade bad ass mofo, most definitely
  20. babyjoe

    Walking Sticks

    co0l thanks a million ill get in touch and see about shipping to ireland
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