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  1. G

    Bump on mouth

    Anyone have insight into this bump? He has had it for quite some time and it doesn't seem to be affecting him a ton but it does appear to be getting bigger. Ambilobe Panther, 2.5 years old.
  2. G

    Male or Female?

    Panther chameleon ~ 10 weeks old. Male or female? Lots of discussion....
  3. G

    Injured Tail

    Yes, of course. Question is, how? Is it ok to just gently pull it off? I am going to wait another day or so before I intervene.
  4. G

    Injured Tail

    Replaced all plants with live ones, looks great. I have been monitoring the tail closely. The necrotized chunk fell off and looks to be healing and he/she just shed this week, good signs. Looks like the tail is having issues getting rid of the shed though, whats the plan of attack with this? be...
  5. G

    Injured Tail

    I intend to convert to a live terrarium when she(?) gets a bit bigger. Likely another month or so. Haven’t seen her(?) fall since I last posted and the dead part of the tail fell off. She seems fine now I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️
  6. G

    Injured Tail

    Thanks everyone. She seems ok (eating, playful etc). I rearranged the cage a bit to provide sturdy sticks in her basking spot as opposed to weaker leaves. The tail still hasn't improved and I suspect the dead portion will fall off. My major concern now is that I have seen her fall three times...
  7. G

    Injured Tail

    Yea, I am watching very closely. Nope, just to basically piss her off until she opens her mouth and squirt it into the side... The feeder options sounds much easier and I thought about that too, just didn't want to ignore the vet!
  8. G

    Injured Tail

    Went to the vet, she gave antibiotics and said the tail will fall off naturally and if it doesn't they will remove the end. Just hoping its not any larger of a chunk :( She is clearly out of sorts now, still eating regularly, but the tail is fairly extended and rarely curled up. Giving...
  9. G

    Injured Tail

    Here is another pic
  10. G

    Injured Tail

    Should have also stated: Panther ~ 2months old
  11. G

    Injured Tail

    Hi All, New here! I just check on my dude and they were just chilling in their usual spot under the lamp. Well, the tail was wedged between to vines. I freed him/her and they moved around. He/She eats a TON and is very healthy otherwise, but the tail looks significantly atrophied to me...
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