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  1. Rango220


    Right then ill look into screen cages what size you recommend? And websites that sell them cheap? I've got a small room so i don't want anything too big, i always said the compact bulb will only do one spot, i'm still a little bit new to this :confused:
  2. Rango220


    Okay ill get a tube one in 6 months just changed them all, and haha i was going get a screen one but i live in the UK and as everyone knows we have terrible weather so i think thats why i settled for the glass one to keep humidity and heat up but i will think about getting a screen one soon :D
  3. Rango220

    Feeder bowl

    Thanks ill make sure its always near the top now:D
  4. Rango220


    You guys think I need add anything else?:)
  5. Rango220

    Feeder bowl

    Does anyone recommend me putting my chams feeder bowl at the bottom so he can hunt for his food? Its normally by his basking spot i made it magnetic so it stays up top
  6. Rango220

    Chameleon nudging hand

    Fantastic least i know hes not moody :D
  7. Rango220

    Water tub getting full to quick from dripper

    I empty it everyday because like you say the bacteria build up and thanks ill try that :D
  8. Rango220

    Water tub getting full to quick from dripper

    Hey guys i was wondering if any of you have any ideas of what to put in the bottom of my jug that fills up from the water droplets from my dripper? The jug has a sort of siv top so my chameleon and bugs don't fall in and I've tried sponges but they just push the water up and don't absorb the...
  9. Rango220

    Chameleon nudging hand

    Makes sense he only really comes out when i clean him out, sometimes i let him out so he can move around my bedroom more freely :D
  10. Rango220

    Chameleon nudging hand

    Just finished cleaning my chams cage:), so before I started I tried to pick him up baring in mind I know chams don't like being handled but I went to get him out he normally goes dark colours hisses and tries bite, so this time he just opened his mouth so I moved my hand out the way so he...
  11. Rango220


    Okay cheers for that:)
  12. Rango220


    Hey guys, I was wondering how I achieve a ten degree difference on the other side of my chams basking area for cool down and when he goes to sleep?...
  13. Rango220

    Letting crickets loose

    I wouldn't put a load in maybe about 8 see if they eat them, if they do eat them add 8 more in, what I do is tend to keep them in a plastic bowl stop them from escaping and turning on my chameleon and start feasting on him cause they will eventually start nipping at him and then eating at him...
  14. Rango220

    Feeders for my chameleon

    Okay thanks, do you order yours online? If so what website do you use?:)
  15. Rango220

    Feeders for my chameleon

    Which would be the best option to feed him?
  16. Rango220

    Feeders for my chameleon

    Also ive heard that superworms may bite your cham?
  17. Rango220

    Feeders for my chameleon

    I live in the uk so is there any websites i can order these feeders from as the reptile shops near me only sell easy to get things like locusts, crickets, meal worms etc.. Also ive heard that wax worms are really addicting? and as im having trouble with him eating at the moment, i dont really...
  18. Rango220

    Feeders for my chameleon

    Hey, i was just curious on what to feed my chameleon? I heard morio worms are bad because someones lizard died from eating them? But i want to give my chameleon the best diet possible, i cant breed roaches cause i haven't got the space, I've got him on some locusts, standard and small black...
  19. Rango220

    Chameleon staying at bottom of cage?

    Okay thanks i will see how he is after he's shredded and started eating more :)
  20. Rango220

    Chameleon staying at bottom of cage?

    It is an exoterra glass vivarium it's, 36" long, 24" wide, 18" deep.
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