This is one of my favorite issues, I love to read about Parsons chameleon and I wish I could see one. How does one go about getting a Parsons, i know how expensive they are but who sells these guys?
This is Zephir, my one and a half year old Nosy Be panther
In the first two pics he had his mating colors on (thats the only time his eyes turn yellow)
the third hes eating a grasshopper I caught in the country
the fourth is just for size reference
That Unknown sex Calumma p. parsonii picture is just great. Its been a dream of mine to see a Parsons chameleon up close, theyre beautiful. Where do you keep all these chameleons anyway?
I went to a herp store and they had the biggest number of veiled chameleons in one cage that I had ever seen.( 50-70of them)Notice the 3 in front, they seem to be moving in formation :)
I originally thought she was a male so I named her Albert...her color became more and more orange as she got older. This is one of my favorite pictures
You should get rid of the aquarium, chameleons are usually kept in a tall screen enclosure because they all like to climb and they need proper ventilation, both of wich you get with a screen enclosure.
heres an example:
I usually tell the sex by the color my cham can turn. Both males and females can be a brownish-pinkish color but males will display clear gray and later on almost pure whites. In the first of my pictures, my chameleon was only 3 weeks old but when he turned gray I knew for sure he was...
2 is not nearly enough for a baby cham. I would go more with around 10-12 and like prism said try to vary the food your chameleon gets(fruitflies being great for any baby chameleon)
You should also go see whoever told you this was an adequate setup and tell him/her that they dont have a clue what they are talking about. This is a setup for feeder insects, NOT an exotic reptile:(
To ensure they stop circulating false info
Id like to see a better pic of the brown spot to give you a better guess of what it might be but you might want to send him to a vet...
Well first of all your setup is not really chamelon friendly at all and I can point out why.
Usually chameleons are kept in bigger screen enclosures so...
I was wondering why my image was a little blurry but I noticed that I could double click on it again and have it even bigger...the details really come out.
Double click people, theres a bigger and better image coming to you if you do!
I dont know why cockroaches have such a bad reputation. To me its better then criquets for many reasons such as, they dont jump, they dont seem to eat each other, they are somewhat slow which makes em easy to catch and best of all they dont stink.
I also like that some get really big so when...