I am reluctant to sell this guy but females have been hard to locate.
I would like to sell to someone that wants to breed as he is a perfect specimen.
He is around 3.5 years old. Very healthy. $300 gets him shipped to you.Paypal only. Contact if interested.
One adult male and three lovely adult females that are perfect and ready for breeding!
Excellent breeding project and live birth! $500 shipped gets them to you! Paypal only. Message me or call 410 251 6237.
This is a fresh pic from today. He complied showing the nails. To be honest, I have seen more red on females and these are definitely lighter. I am just glad I ended up being the center of attention. I enjoy being the prettiest girl at the dance. You guys continue hashing it out. Chris and...
Man I am glad I am finding the time to get on here more often!
Chameleon Forums has always been a good spot for a good old fashioned donnybrook. Keep it above the belt boys.
Thanks everyone! Laurie, they are from my same pairing as the last group, Hercules and Athena. I will post some pics tomorrow with a panther egg so everyone can see the size comparison.