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  1. Archaleon

    Need some advice PLEASE!!! Veiled Chameleon

    Colors are often reflecting the spirit of the chameleon. But interpretting them is not always easy. But I would say he has a psychical problem : or depression or stressed (he might be more agressive if stressed). A chameleon is able to make himself starve to death. (this can take a while...
  2. Archaleon

    Need some advice PLEASE!!! Veiled Chameleon

    According to the color of your cham, mainly brown, I would say he s kinda depressed. He might miss sun and warmth. Your profile say you re from south Africa ? It s "summer" there, right ? if it s warm enough, take him out in some medium size vegetation ( be sure he can't climb out of...
  3. Archaleon

    Chameleon species for semi-liberty in appartment garden

    The wall is just brillant and simple : a glass wall high enough all around the garden would prevent chameleon from roaming around randomly which could be a bit dangerous for himself. For the male/female dilemna... I guess I won't really be able to control all those things so it could just be...
  4. Archaleon

    Chameleon species for semi-liberty in appartment garden

    Uhm that could make my choice change :D ! + they are smaller which wouldn't be such bad idea. (eat less?) Aren't female a bit harder to keep due to breeding and stuff like this ?
  5. Archaleon

    Chameleon species for semi-liberty in appartment garden

    Thanks for your answers, it gave me some confidence ! Dont know if it was clear, but in my project i wanted to have the "garden" in a part of a normal room, like most probably the living room. I just checked out what should be the humidity in a normal room, and it seems 55% is a good value...
  6. Archaleon

    Chameleon species for semi-liberty in appartment garden

    Hello, I had a chameleon in my young, which I kept without any device (Nor cage, neither UV lamp nor anything) for almost 2years. It mainly stayed on diverse house plants, and were sometime found on the windows trying to get out :D. It was mainly feeding on insects it cached directly in the...
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