Build some PVC tower and have the top portion hanging over the top of the cage. And hang the dome with a clamp. You can get PVC at homedepot. You can use a lower wattage bulb for basking for now. The chameleon needs a basking bulb.
You can elevate the basking bulb and move the basking perch closer to the top. You'll have to play with the distance of the bulb until the correct temperature is there.
Also, I'm pretty sure burns heal. They just show up as patches.
I have the mister go off an hour before the lights go out. It drys out with just a few leaves still wet, and since it's the raindome some droplets drop down every now and then and have landed on a leaf that my sleeping chameleons arm is resting on. Will this cause an infection? It'll probably...
I have done it before, and sometimes they give me attitude, or just say ok thanks for letting us know. And then nothing changes. Last time I was in petco a month ago, I could have said something, but I didnt feel like someone giving me an attitude. So I let it be.
Yeah you have to make sure that the water level in the monsoon is 3" below the top of the lid, and you have to keep the screw cap, on the top, that you can use to add water, unscrewed so that the moisture can escape. I have been doing those 2 things for almost 2 years and never have had a...
The veiled chameleons at my local petco look horrible. They all sit with there eyes closed and in a bundle. They look super skinny. Plus they have them in glass terrarium that gets no air circulation. I would tell them how to take care of them but I dont want to be rude. Anyways, back on...