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  1. Della monster

    Della monster

  2. Della


    Della the day we brought her home.
  3. Member Album by Doodleh

    Member Album by Doodleh

  4. Doodleh

    Is it metabolic bone disease?

    Hi again everyone! My cham (Della) seems to be getting better! turns out it was metabolic bone disease. Already after such a short period she is eating better (catching big crickets and even following them instead of waiting for them!) She's also able to now lift her stomach off the floor! I've...
  5. Doodleh

    Is it metabolic bone disease?

    I'm not sure of the make of the tube I'm using, my mum bought and fitted it a few months ago. I could get in touch and ask her to let you know. I am in the UK so it's a little cold still, can't take her outside yet, though I do intend to in summer (If she is okay :( ) I am currently designing...
  6. Doodleh

    Tips on building a screen cage

    Also, would the cage need a heater other than the lights? the cage will obviously get cold during the night when the lights are off, I have a heater in the current enclosure, is it needed?
  7. Doodleh

    Tips on building a screen cage

    okay, how would you suggest to build in a drainage system, the cage will be in my bedroom, not near a sink.
  8. Doodleh

    Tips on building a screen cage

    Okay thanks! that's what I thought. how tall would be suitable for veileds? 5ft/6ft?
  9. Doodleh

    Tips on building a screen cage

    I'm planning over the next week getting a custom cage built. would it be suitable to build a cage 4-5ft wide with a solid wood seperation down the middle, to hold 2 chameleons, but keep them seperate? Would I need 2 basking lights, one either side? Any other tips and building advice would be...
  10. Doodleh

    Is it metabolic bone disease?

    Thanks for the advice, her basking spot sounds (by what you say) to be in the correct range of the light, I have a UVB light, even though the cage is opposite a window.
  11. Doodleh

    Is it metabolic bone disease?

    The enclosure is made from wood with glass doors, but has ventilation all along the top of it, is this not sufficient? Thanks for your advice.
  12. Doodleh

    Is it metabolic bone disease?

    Thanks for the replies, I have started to load my chameleons food with food high in calcium and have managed to find a vet that does specialize in reptiles, which is quite far away but worth the travel. Does anyone know whether this disease develops quickly? and how fast does it progress? I...
  13. Doodleh

    Is it metabolic bone disease?

    I bought her from a pet store.. I have bought from the same store a few times, I have a male veiled chameleon I bought from the same place.. Everything else I bought from there was fine. You're right though, conditions in pet stores are generally not great. Thanks for the advice..
  14. Doodleh

    Is it metabolic bone disease?

    Hi, I've joined this forum because I'm desperately seeking help for my 5 month old female veiled chameleon. When I first bought her she used to fall quite regularly but I thought she was just getting used to our vivarium, but recently she has stopped moving around as much, and doesn't seem to...
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