Congratulations on your chameleon I would suggest as a starter to get an all screen cage the a UVB reptisun5.0 light and basking light and always gut load your feeders DONT OVER DO SUPPLIMENTS the best rule of thumb I would suggest is calcium NO D3 every other feeding and calcium D3 and a...
I have the zoomed t5 24" hood also and you can use the arcadia 22" bulbs in it but I still use the reptisun 5.0 in both of my 24x24x48 cages along with a basking bulb works great for me I would change them every 6 months anyway just to be sure
you dont have any 22" reflectors in stock though correct? i looked on your website i only need a singe light reflector and will a 24" reflector work with a 22" bulb
Ohh ok I'm still torn between 10.0 and 5.0 if I go with the t5 light would the 5.0 be better or the 10.0 and they don't sell the fixture for that arcadia 22" there out of stock but will a 24" fixture work with the 22" arcadia bulb ?