Sorry, they should be up now!
I will try picking up a 60w bulb and see if that keeps the basking spot warm enough...It is reading 85 now with the 100w sitting up there. Just a standard house bulb, or can I use one of the coiled "green" ones?
I took back the ExoTerro terrarium, that Petsmart sold me to house my juvenile veiled in, and got my ReptiBreeze set up! Yay, I think he will be much happier in his new home. Of course I ordered it when I thought he was a she, so I will have to eventually get a larger one, it is 18x18x36
New cage came today, yay! It's the ReptiBreeze 18x18x36, which I ordered when I thought he was a she. So now I guess I will need to buy a larger cage at some point. :rolleyes:
I got it all set up with some grapevine, a few wooden bird ladders, an umbrella plant and a pothos. I will add a...
I was wondering about this too..
I think putting the lights on a timer is going to work the best for me. If they need (I have a veiled) 12 hours of uvb a day I can set the lights to come on at 7am and go off at 9pm. I mist at 8, and then release crickets into his viv a little while after...
Oh, duh, I guess that was kind of common sense. :p
I was using large crickets, but they seemed so big for him! So, I switched to small, which probably seem like snack size to him! I gave him a few superworms today and he seemed to love those.
I was wondering about cricket size too...the Petsmart person told me they were feeding my juvenile male 7 large crickets. I feel like the large are so large! So when you say the cricket would fit between the eyes of the chameleon, you mean the length of the cricket or the width?
Okay, then he is a him! That is fantastic, as I would much prefer a male to a female now that I have learned more about them.
He just pooped and there was only a dot of white urate, the rest of the poop was firm and brown. What do I do to get this guy to drink?! I have only had him about...
Really wish I had found this site before getting my baby! The pamphlets at the pet store and the youtube videos I watched didn't really steer me in the right direction!
I am trying to figure out the drainage thing too...
Here are a few more pics of what he usually looks like. We just had him out for a bit, and I tried to get some good ones of his back feet.
Sorry about the big pics, I'm not sure how to make them smaller :blush:
He tried to eat the flowers on my chair pad, and then bit his pothos plant several...
The Petsmart employee said she was a female, because she didn't have any spurs (and I didn't really see anything in the area she was indicating). However, now I see something... I will grab a pic and perhaps you all can help.
Yes, he/she normally is green and happy and about half that...
I just wanted to introduce myself and my little veiled.
I am Stephanie and the little cham is nameless so far. We got her/him at Petsmart and were told we were getting a female, but I think we have a little boy... I am a new cham keeper, and only know what I have learned here. What an...