well I have an appointment this monday at 7am to drop him off and have him slightly sedated. I really hope everything goes well during the sedation as he is still not even 6 months old and I just hope it doesnt kil him:( I also hope that his tongue will get better.
to the member above me, I...
thanks man! yes when I purchased double rainbow back over the summer in 2013, he wasn't orange at all.... he was all blue and teal colored and fired up white ish colored but over several months of not shedding, he developed mostly orange colors. I was just holding him and it looked so insane...
I feel so bad for those chameleons:( the one on the bottom looks like he has no room to move!! whoever this member is, he/she needs to either get a better set up and start taking care of them or give them away to an experienced chameleon owner. this is bad.
that set up HAS GOT to go. IMO. they need to seperate screen cages!!! and uvb reptisun 5.0 fixtures!
what is going on here ! this is not how you house chameleons!!! maybe geckos or something come on.
I am having a similar problem, just posted a threat about it. my little 5 1/2 month old ambilobe has been having a tongue issue for almost 3 weeks now. 3 weeks ago, while feeding him, i noticed his nice, long tongue and that he was eating well. A few hours later, i go to mist them, and I see...
Well I took my little crazy eyes cham to the vet last friday, about 5 days ago. The vet was Dr. Zellner. She prescribed him with .02 dose of metacam every 24 hours for 5-7 days starting friday.
She said the tongue issue is from one or both of the following:
abyss deep in the mouth
its not dehydration, unfortunately it could be just something bad going on with his tongue. I went to the vet last friday and her name is Dr. Zellner. she has a really good reputation with chameleons, I got advice from a few members in my area to check her out. She said that it could be a number...