I don't believe in using any one particular insect as a 'staple' because this is not what nature would provide them. My Chams get, horn worms, silkworms, Phoenix worms, butter worms, and occasionally flies, wax worms, and mantids.
I second what Thezillaman21 said. Crickets stink, die off easy, have more chitin (sp?) that's harder for your pet to digest, jump, there's a risk that they may bite your animals if you free-range them, etc. Dubia are what I switched to for these reasons and more.
WOW! What a beautiful Veiled! He reminds me of my first Cham, Igor... minus the orange cheek patches, and the lateral belly stripe. I wish I had another one, but Igor's mean temperament made me think twice when I started looking to buy another Cham.
An open window is perfect only if you have the window-screen in place. I let all of my chameleons roam all over the window-screen to get their sun all of the time. This protects them from predators, prevents them from eating bugs that could be contaminated with pesticides or mites, and they...
Yes. There are both metal and glass heaters that are fully submersible. They should be placed on the bottom of your reservoir (or bucket). A tiny circulating pump, such as a small desk sized waterfall pump would work even better as far as heat distribution is concerned but is probably not...
Mealworms aren't the best to be feeding your Chams on a continual basis anyways. Try feeding silkworms, dubia roaches, horn worms, Phoenix worms, etc. They need a varied diet like we do.
I see that he's already started to eat, but have you tried feeding anything else besides those two? There's quite the variety of bugs out there now available to us keepers. Try Dubia roaches, silkworms, small horn worms, Phoenix worms, etc. As for myself, I personally can't stand crickets...
An aquarium heater, for sure. Please do yourself a favor, though, and buy yourself a metal-encased heater (not one of the glass-encased ones). If for some reason you forget (or a caregiver forgets) to fill the reservoir and the glass heater isn't totally submerged, it will crack. Also, if...