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  1. mickeyratfink

    My Baby Hoe!

    Ha ha!! That reminds me. My wife used to call them the Veileds' ugly little brother!!! (Does that count for a reasonable grounds for divorce????);)
  2. mickeyratfink

    My Baby Hoe!

    He is stunning, but as a species they are quite ugly!! I love my two to bits, and I think its the ugliness that makes them cute at the same time. My wife hated ALL chameleons with 'noses' until we got a couple of Acuminatus, then we got the Hoes, and now she thinks that they may be among...
  3. mickeyratfink

    Thamnobates mating

    Thanks Benny. Just showed the male to the female again (he is still very interested). I didn't realise the female was half chameleon half ninja warrior, as she jumped to try and attack him. I won't be trying to mate them again this time!! Thanks again Austin
  4. mickeyratfink

    Thamnobates mating

    Ok. FINALLY my thamnobates have got it on! Quick question, when the male climbed off and left the female, it appeared that she deposited some of his sperm on a twig as she was moving away along with some urate (no faeces, only urate). Is this normal? Do I need to reintroduce the male to...
  5. mickeyratfink

    Sweetest Deal Ever!!

    He is a sweet deal....
  6. mickeyratfink

    Today born Bradypodion setaroi - really cute

    Thanks Benny, That is if they dont eat EVERYTHING in sight!! They really are very greedy!! They are shedding very regularly (every 2-3 weeks) and take about 12 hours to complete a shed. They probably are a little on the small side, but seem to be very healthy. Obviously, the long car...
  7. mickeyratfink

    Sweetest Deal Ever!!

    You'd have to cut my right arm off to get me to accept that deal (REALLY will be in the minority here!!) Rudis are WAY cooler than panthers. Unfortunately, they are like hen's teeth (extremely rare) over this side of the pond. Panthers are dime a dozen (waiting for the tirade of abuse for...
  8. mickeyratfink

    Arugula / Rocket

    I feed this directly to my Yemens along with dandelion leaves. They prefer rocket MUCH more than normal iceberg style lettuce. Another example of the chameleons eating better than me!!!
  9. mickeyratfink

    Today born Bradypodion setaroi - really cute

    Benny, Hope I've got this right and these are the pics of the ones we picked up from you at Hamm at the start of June (we got 4 from you) All are really healthy and eat amazingly! these photos are a few weeks old now, and they have probably doubled in size since these were...
  10. mickeyratfink

    Baby Hoes!

    Awesome pics, can't wait for my Hoes (there goes my gangsta rappa alter ego again!) to have babies!!
  11. mickeyratfink

    A quick and healthy addition to your chams diet

    Wish I'd thought of that!! I'm terrible with any plants and have tried growing salad greens in trays, but keep forgetting to water and they always die off!! I end up spending a FORTUNE (well, realtively!) down the local supermarket for rocket salad etc. My Yemens REALLY do eat better...
  12. mickeyratfink

    only two crickets?

    I used to get this with my Yemens. Whenever I fed them some waxworms as a treat (probably once a month), they would refuse locust or crickets for a few days, but still readily take the worms if offered. After being suckered into this a few times, I grew up and realised that it was a bit like...
  13. mickeyratfink

    lets see pics of everyones rare species they are keeping or have kept...

    Absolutely LOVE the Trioceros goetzei nyikae, never seen these anywhere in the UK!
  14. mickeyratfink

    lets see pics of everyones rare species they are keeping or have kept...

    Here's a few pics of my few... Bradypodion Setaroi baby, collected from Benny about 6 weeks ago [/url][/IMG] C. Hoehnelli [/url][/IMG] B Transvaalense male [/url][/IMG] B Thamnobates Male Plus loads of others that I can't seem to upload onto the gallery due to space...
  15. mickeyratfink

    You know your addicted and have it real bad when...

    When your deceased chams go into a Pet Semetary (As in S. Kings book), not Cemetery, because you hope you've stumbled across an old indian burial ground and you might get the chance to re-animate them
  16. mickeyratfink

    Bradypodion Setaroi babies

    Well, everyone likes babies.... Tried to post this as a post on Eisentrauti's 'Born today' thread, as although I forgot to ask Benny when we collected them from him, pretty sure they're the same babies. If so, it would have been nice to have 'before and after' pics on the same thread....but...
  17. Bradypodion Setaroi

    Bradypodion Setaroi

    Bradypodion Setaroi at ten weeks
  18. Bradypodion Setaroi

    Bradypodion Setaroi

    Bradypodion Setaroi at ten weeks
  19. mickeyratfink

    You know your addicted and have it real bad when...

    When, as a man, you have a GENUINE excuse why your right forearm is MASSIVE (its all the spraying and misting!!!)
  20. mickeyratfink

    R.I.P. to the prettiest male Hoehnelli Ive ever seen:(

    Sorry for your loss... I have two juvenile hoehnelli, and if they turn out half as good as him, I'd be delighted
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