I'm researching the heck out of UV lighting options today,
so I look forward to the responses you receive.
Seems the 5.0 linear fluorescent light is the recommended solution,
but ... a screen can reduce the UVB getting inside the enclosure by 40 to 60 percent.
Is the 5.0 still enough UVB with...
who's gut?
just messin' around. Ten year +/- old picture of Mr. Ted.
Good thing is the bugs eat many of the things the iguana does, so bug food is always in supply.
Greens, squash, zucchini, carrots for Mr. Ted the bugs get.
Also potatoes - sweet & white, and I found yesterday that the...
Oh... one other quick question.
Doesn't anyone use Mega Ray UV lights?
Pretty much the best UV light on the market.
Not good for chameleons for some reason?
I'm getting all the lighting etc worked out still for the new kid.
Using a Mega Ray for now.
Hello all, I have been reading through the forum for the past 10 days or so since I acquired a new member in our household. Lots to read & learn - and I appreciate all the shared knowledge.
Not new to reptiles, and certainly wasn't looking to add one,
but stuff happens!
The blue jays were...