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  1. BleuSaphir

    August 2024 Photo Contest

  2. BleuSaphir

    2025 Calendar - Other Chameleons II

    Just re-edit the vote. :)
  3. BleuSaphir

    2025 Calendar - Other Chameleons II

    I voted only one…I didn’t knew you could vote for 3. And this is the first rounds of voting. :/
  4. BleuSaphir

    New journey Bluchin

    He’s beautiful!
  5. BleuSaphir

    I got a new Pacman Frog!!

    Such a cutie ☺️
  6. BleuSaphir

    Chameleon Yoga

    That’s him being natural 🤣
  7. BleuSaphir

    Bought a blue Cebu Pothos.[ATTACH]

    Bought a blue Cebu Pothos.
  8. BleuSaphir

    Strange Marking / Burn? Discolouration?

    I wonder if something in the past of some sharp/pokey object scraped his skin? Perhaps it was around of to the previous owner.
  9. BleuSaphir

    Sick veiled chameleon. Help please

    His intense yellow and teals! Lovely! 😍
  10. BleuSaphir

    My chameleon broke her jaw

    That has to be super traumatic. I cried with you.
  11. BleuSaphir

    Chameleon hydration- am I being too paranoid?

    I am the same too. I worry mine doesn’t drink much. I spray as soon I get up and before bed. If I am working, I skip out hand spraying at night. He get a cup of ice to let the meted ice tricking down. I found he prefer that over being misted. I would catch him drinking. Not always. I cheat my...
  12. BleuSaphir

    Panther Locality

    Nosy Be is my favorite locale form. I did saw my local petco had a panther chameleon. @Motherlode Chameleon mention they were of Blue Bar Ambilobe. I saw a picture what I think it might be. Red and blue bands. That I wouldn’t mind.
  13. BleuSaphir

    My 5 year old

    Wow! He sure is handsome!
  14. BleuSaphir

    My happy boy!

    Great to hear some updates. :)
  15. BleuSaphir

    Chameleon Yoga

    He can really flex his body. I saw him relaxed…but his spine was bent like a dried leaf in half. Oh good! wasn’t sure if I am feeding him too much.
  16. BleuSaphir

    Panther Locality

    Which panther locality should I opt for next year? I do have my heart on Nosy Be though. I just love the blue tone of that locality. But I wouldn’t mind an orange-yellow trait of a Panther. I been having obsession to name a chameleon-Banane. Or Orangeat. 😅 The list of three I liked are in...
  17. BleuSaphir

    Anyone breed Maroantsetra panthers or Ankaramy panthers? Thanks

    Bumping this thread: has Maroantsetra Panther. Still a little confused with this locality color trait.
  18. BleuSaphir

    Chameleon Yoga

    Is he fat? Lol
  19. BleuSaphir

    Chameleon Yoga

    Today was his yoga.
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